Foundation has been tarred to grade line
Bluewater Plumbing has arrived for in-floor heat
Peter changing light bulbs on the pole
Former Parkhill PUC utility truck
Installing the top plates
Basement bathroom roughed in with pump pit
Solid Big ‘O’ for downspouts
Stone covering the footing tile, laying the downspout tile
Joins to drain to the east slope
Upright Big ‘O’ is for a downspout
Don and J.J. creating a drain area at the garage door
Backfill for the foundation - gravel
Don Heard backfilling the foundation
Replacement windows arrive under black sky
Replacement windows stacked and ready to install
Insulation blanket to go under the radiant floor heating
Organized chaos
Spreading the backfill along the foundation wall
Laying out the wire mesh for the concrete floor
We’ve started with the open web floor joists
Installing the floor heating tubes
Wired to the mesh in a grid
Moving the concrete slab – carefully! Tipping as he moves.
Unload it at the back of the barn
Layout is completed
I will have to take measurements for partitions
The heater will be located in the old basement