PROCESS, STRENGTH, WEAKNESS & OVERCOME OF THE CLASS MyungSun, Kim(Continent and Country) YeSuel, Park(Pop quiz and Introduction Korean culture and society) YougnGyu, Yu(Korean traditional board game)
WHAT OUR GROUP DID IN THE CLASS Introducing about the Continent and country Ask about the continent first. Introducing about the definition of Continent. Teaching 6 names of continents. Look closer about each continent using map image and see representative countries names and flags(2-3 countries) on the same time. Ask about the characteristics of each continent or countries as the part of process of the class. Remind the student that there is pop quiz after the introduction of the continent and country.
STRENGTH OF THE CLASS Using Maps and Images was good way to understand the concept of continent. Because most of the students didnt know what the continent is, and the definition of the continent is simple but hard to explain just by the saying. Reminding the students that they have Pop-quiz after the introducing of the continent and country was also nice way to make students focus on the context of the class.
WEAKNESS About the materials, our group prepared power point as the materials for the class. But, when we tried to open it at first, there was a bit problem with the font. Fortunately it worked later, but we realized that if it didnt work, then it would be huge problem, because there was no other alternative one. In Korea, students used to answer without raising their hands. However, when I asked something to the students at the class, students waited me to choose someone to have opportunity to talk about it, with their hand raised. I just expected the scene of classroom, all the students answer naturally. So, at that time, I was a bit panic and felt difficulty to choose specific students.
OVERCOME Be beyond the materials. : Though there are some problems with materials, the progress of the class should not have the problem. Teacher always have the alternative ways for this matter. Feel free and comfortable. : There might be lots of unexpected situation in the class. To deal with it, teacher should be comfortable and relaxed. It will be better to make up the situation. If you cant do that, at least, you have to pretend to be like that.
WHAT OUR GROUP DID IN THE CLASS Pop quiz and introduction South Korea I did pop quiz to verify what we taught. It was that I showed some flags and they answered which countrys flag it is I did introduction South Korea It was this process 1. I showed Korean national flag 2. I told about 4season of South Korea and showed each seasons scenery. 3. I introduced Korean traditional costume with picture of it 4. I introduced Korean traditional play with picture of it
STRENGTH OF THE CLASS During the pop quiz time, the participation of students was very great. Quiz was good tool to make them participate class The composition of material was connected well each other. Even though we charged seperated part(Continent and Country -> Quiz and Introduction South Korea -> Korean traditional board game), our presentation and order was connected well. We showed so many pictures on behalf of letter. Presentation or black board which are full or letter would be boring for 12year-old students.
WEAKNESS There are not enough quiz to give chance to answer. Almost every student raised their hand to answer the question, But I have to choose only one student and only 4 questions were prepared at that time. The other students were very disappointed because of limited chance. I didnt have time to communicate our main subject. During the introduction Korean culture and society time, I just lectured it only one-sided. Maybe they lost their interest. And it made them passive. I could feel that they didnt concentrate on our class.
OVERCOME To solve the problem of originally limited time and thereby limited chance, we can make handout which is about what we taught. The handout can be filled with some questions and it will make all of them attend. After then we can have a time to communicate the answer with their friends and us. handout will not only solve problems of time and participation but also help them remember. To solve interest problem, I have to ask consistently. It will make them alarm and participate by answering the question. And to get interest from all of the students I have to move from front to behind during the class time. Because students who are sitting behind can be easily excluded from teachers concern.
WHAT OUR GROUP DID IN THE CLASS Introduce about the traditional Korean board game (Yut No Ri) Show the preparation materials and tell students its Korean name. Inform the meaning of materials. Explain the rules of the game. Separate two teams and play the game.
STRENGTH OF THE CLASS Playing game was good way to make students interested. And it was easy to understand the rules so every student could easily participate in it. We introduced Korean culture and it could be strange to students. So we used many pictures to help them understand it. And it was successful.
WEAKNESS I couldnt open my power point about Yut No Ri. So I was very embarrassed. And I had to move between computer and screen to show some pictures and explain the rules. But MyungSun and YeSuel helped me so I could proceed as a plan. There was not enough time to play the game. Actually this game needs about 30 minutes at least. So we needed to be progressing quickly.
OVERCOME There might be lots of unexpected situation in the class. Whenever does it happen, teacher should keep in mind that they are teacher who are teaching student now. He need to act calmly and confidently. Playing game can get students interesting easily, however some students are not interested in it yet. To resolve this problem teacher should pay attention to them and attract voluntary participation from them with some question or praise.
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