-Car, -Gar and –Zar verbs in the Preterite
Let’s talk spelling… In the preterite, verbs that end in –car, -gar and –zar are spelled differently in the YO form only. The spelling changes in order to keep the pronunciation the same.
Las Reglas Only changes in the YO form. Uses regular preterite –ar endings: é amos aste asteis ó aron 3. 3 types: CAR – (c qu) GAR – (g gu) ZAR – (z c)
Other CAR – (c qu) verbs: Sacar – to take out Other CAR – (c qu) verbs: Tocar- Practicar- Explicar- Buscar- Saqué Sacamos Sacaste Sacasteis Sacó Sacaron To play an instrument (Yo toqué) To practice (Yo practiqué) To explain (Yo expliqué) To look for (Yo busqué)
Other GAR – (g gu) verbs: Llegar – to arrive Other GAR – (g gu) verbs: Jugar- Pagar- Llegué Llegamos Llegaste Llegasteis Llegó Llegaron To play (Yo jugué) To pay (Yo pagué)
ZAR – (z c) Comenzar – to start/begin Comencé Comenzamos Comenzaste Other ZAR – (z c) verbs: Empezar- Almorzar- Comencé Comenzamos Comenzaste Comenzasteis Comenzó Comenzaron To start/begin (Yo empecé) To eat lunch (Yo almorcé)
Comparación Yo Form Tú Form Sí, saqué fotos de la iglesia. ¿Sacaste fotos de la iglesia? Yes, I took photos of the church. Did you take photos of the church? Jugué con mi primo. ¿Con quién jugaste al fútbol? I played with my cousin. With whom did you play soccer? Almorcé en mi casa. ¿Dónde almorzaste ayer? I ate lunch at my house. Where did you eat lunch yesterday?