CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, Michel Van Roozendael, BIRA-IASB Martin Dameris, DLR-PA Ozone-cci
Content Adequacy of User Requirements User Requirements & Product Specifications Integrated perspective Uncertainties Needs for ECMWF data CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, 20112
Adequacy of User Requirements -Is the URD consistent with CMUG/GCOS requirements? Yes, in the sense that it uses input from GCOS and CMUG requirements Furthermore, these requirements are interpreted and translated to requirements for the data products that will be created in the Ozone_cci project -Sources used to determine User Requirements GCOS and climate modellers (CMUG). Taking into account the WMO/IGACO vision of the integrated approach for ozone monitoring using satellite data, in-situ observations, and ground-based networks, in combination with model information Responding to the GCOS requirement for FCDRs for ozone covering the period to evaluate the processes controlling ozone-climate interactions and the evolution of the ozone layer CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, 20113
User Requirements Inputs from GCOS (based on GCOS-107 report, 2006) Accuracy 10 % (troposphere) 20 % (stratosphere) Horizontal resolution 5-50 km (troposphere) km (stratosphere) Vertical resolution 0.5 km (troposphere) km (stratosphere) Observation frequency3-hourly Stability1 % (troposphere) 0.6 % (stratosphere) CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, 20114
User Requirements Inputs from GCOS (Jan 2011 draft update O 3 reqs) Variable/ Parameter Application Horizontal Res (target) Vertical Res (target) Obs cycle (target) Accuracy (target) Stability (target) Justification/ Source total ozone trend, radiative forcing km4h2%, 5DU<1%trends tropospheric ozone column trend, radiative forcing, climate chemistry interaction km4h15-20%1%radiative forcing ozone profile troposphere radiative forcing, climate chemistry interaction km 1-2 km UT 3-6 km 4h 10% UT 20% 1% climate chemistry interaction ozone profile stratosphere radiative forcing, climate chemistry interaction km 1-2 km LS 3 km US 4h3-8%1% climate chemistry interaction ozone profile mesosphere Trends, climate chemistry interaction km 3 km4h10-20%1%climate chemistry interaction
User Requirements Input on O 3 requirements from CMUG
Ozone_cci User Requirements Requirement table content/entries and scope -Separate requirements for each of the 3 ozone products: Total ozone column Nadir-based ozone profiles Limb-based ozone profiles -User requirements include: Ozone data requirements Data product requirements Ancillary data requirements -URD closely follows GCOS and CMUG requirements CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, 20117
Ozone_cci User Requirements Requirement table content/entries and scope -The ozone data requirements consist of tables containing: Horizontal resolution Observation frequency Time period Accuracy Stability -If applicable, distinction is made between driving research topics, geographical zone, and height range. A rationale is presented for the quantitative requirements, e.g. by reference to the contributing satellite instruments over the considered time period -For each ozone product ancillary data requirements are defined including error characteristics, averaging kernels, a priori data, flags (e.g. detailed cloud and surface information), data format, conventions and basic visualization tools CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, 20118
User Requirements Total ozone column requirements Based on URD version 0.5 -Specify Achievable and Target requirements Driving research topics, e.g.: -Regional differences in evolution ozone layer -Seasonal cycle and interannual profile variability -Short-term variability QuantityGeographical Zone Tropics Mid- latitudes Polar region Horizontal resolution km 20-50/100 km Observation frequency3 days Time period Accuracy ( evolution) 2% (7 DU) Accuracy ( variability) 3% (10 DU) Stability (after corrections) 1-3% / decade
-Format: NetCDF; following CF conventions -Error characteristics (random, systematic) -Averaging kernels per pixel -A priori data per pixel -Flags (good; bad; uncertain; pixel type; snow/ice; sun glint; solar eclipse, S-Atl anomaly) -Basic visualisation (browsable end products e.g. like temis) -Cloud information (cloud fraction, height, albedo) -Surface information surface albedo, (IR: emissivity) -Level 1 not required User Requirements Data and ancillary requirements for total ozone columns CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
Based on URD version 0.5 Driving research topics e.g. -Regional differences in evolution ozone layer -Height dependence of evolution ozone layer -Seasonal cycle and interannual profile variability -Short-term variability QuantityHeight Range Lower StratosphereMiddle Atmosphere Horizontal resolution km Vertical resolution1-3 km3-5 km Accuracy in height attribution 0.5 km Observation frequency 3 days Time period ( ) – ( ) ( ) – ( ) Accuracy ( evolution) 8 % Accuracy ( variability) 15 % Stability..% / decade User Requirements Limb-based ozone profiles The lower stratosphere (LS) extends from the tropopause (defined as ozone > 150 ppbv) to about 25 km, and the middle atmosphere extends from about 25 to 60 km altitude.
-Format: NetCDF; following CF conventions -Error characteristics (noise; smoothing; pointing acc.; a priori) -Number of layers (optimized for accuracy) -Averaging kernels per pixel -Full covariance matrix per pixel -A priori data per pixel -Flags (good; bad; uncertain; cloud contamination; solar eclipse, S-Atl anomaly) -Basic visualisation (browsable end products e.g. like temis) -Cloud information per profile (cloud fraction, height) -Temperature profile -Level 1 not required User Requirements Data and ancillary requirements for limb ozone profiles CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
Do the PSD meet the needs of the CRG? Yes, it should: the PSD is being written under the leadership and explicit guidance of the Ozone_cci CRG The PSD builds upon the URD. It translates the demands listed in the URD into generic specifications for the 3 main ozone ECV products. Detailed specs for each instrument will be documented in the IODD. Ozone_cci products will be used by the CRG and examples of such applications are given in the PSD CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
Integrated perspective How do we address the integrated perspective for consistency between ECVs? Take consideration of CCI guidelines for data format, error characterisation, RR, etc PSD specifications/requirements are given for ozone data products which are needed together with data products derived from global model systems, including CCMs and CTMs. Other ECVs (e.g. aerosol, water vapour) should naturally fulfil very similar requirements, e.g. with regard to spatial and temporal resolution. For the PSD of the Ozone_cci project we have defined those specifications on the basement of the currently available model systems. CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
Uncertainties in products Specification of data characterization and error analysis is ongoing questionnaire distributed among EOST teams (KIT lead) Issues under review: sampling, vertical/horizontal resolution, systematic & random errors (terminology), instrument specific errors, precision estimate definition of a common error budget (terminology) error evolution, e.g. degradation, long-term behaviour/stability, quality flags averaging kernel data/covariance matrix horizontal averaging kernels (to be decided) CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
Example: SCIAMACHY Uncertainties in knowledge of stratospheric aerosols Tangent height errors CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
ECMWF data usage Source of PT data Product retrievedclimatologyECMWF OperationalERA40ERA- Interim Total ozoneX (1) X Nadir ozone profileX (2) X (3) SCIAMACHY limb ozone profile X MIPAS ozone profileXX (4) GOMOS ozone profile X Assimilated ozone products X (5) X (6) (X) (1) the total ozone algorithm retrieves an effective ozone-weighted mean temperature. A priori T° profiles are taken from the TOMS v8 climatology. (2) default in KNMI algorithm (3) default in RAL algorithm (4) ECMWF data are used as a-priori in the inversion process (5) from year 2000 onward (6) ERA40 used for assimilation of data before year Switch to ERA-Interim is planned. Current status of ECMWF data usage for Ozone_cci data product generation: CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
Need for ECMWF reanalysis data ECMWF data are used in Ozone_cci for: Retrieval algorithms, either as a-priori information or as ancillary information (model parameters) Data assimilation tools Global chemistry/climate modeling Operational data are mostly used, but reanalysis data are planned to be used for assimilation of historical data sets There is no pressing need to incorporate reanalysis data into retrieval schemes (in some cases it is even out of scope of the project) Current baseline: RR selection and prototyping based on current input data confirm in the RR that ECMWF data are used consistently use the "best", consistent reanalysis in the actual ECV production phase CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16,
CMUG recommendations CCI project integration meeting, ECMWF, Reading, March 14-16, Ozone_cci comments 1.Make explicit whether requirements apply to level-2 or level-3/4 products Ozone_cci end products are Level-3 blended products 2.Make explicit whether products are single-sensors or blended Requirements are for Ozone_cci end products 3.If Level-3/4 are specified, also specify intermediate Level-2 products ? Assimilation/ reanalysis 4.Specify quantitative targets for stability, and « random » versus « systematic » errors Do we have applicable driving research topics? 5.Outline strategic plan with milestones for developing better products within CCI (both phases) OK