Better SAS Graphs or I can’t believe it’s not PowerPoint Jeff Marchand Non-Insured Health Benefits Health Canada
Why would’nt you do graphs in SAS? SAS Graph codes not intuitive (at first) – Initially faster to do a few graphs in PP than write code Data not accessible to non-SAS users Graphs not editable
Why do graphs in SAS? Consistent – Same fonts, colours, etc from slide to slide Customizable – Any graph you can do in PowerPoint you can do in SAS Automatable – Very powerful in macros, stored process and Web Reports Repeatable!
Graphing procedures Gplot – Bubbles and lines Gchart – Pies, Bars, Area, 2D and 3D Gbarline – Bar and Line Gmap – Maps Gkpi – Key Performance Indicators
Conclusion You can produce professional quality graphs in SAS Slower at first, but pay off is when you have many slides to do