Tips For Taking Better Photos
Use your flash.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash. Get closer to your subjects.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash. Get closer to your subjects.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash. Get closer to your subjects. Work on composition.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash. Get closer to your subjects. Work on composition.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash. Get closer to your subjects. Work on composition.
Tips For Taking Better Photos Use your flash. Get closer to your subjects. Work on composition. Take a lot of pictures!
How do I get the images to my computer? Internal Card Readers Many computers today come with card readers built in. Can be added to a computer with an open bay.
How do I get the images to my computer? External Card Readers Camera connected via USB USB / FireWire dedicated card readers Printers / Multifunction devices
How do I get the images to my computer? WiFi Some newer cameras have built in WiFi. Camera phones. WiFi SD cards
Share Via or Web Pages You can share photos with family and friends through Most photo programs have an function. Many will optimize the image for you.
Share Via or Web Pages You can also share your images via a web page. Many programs like Picasa, Kodak EasyShare, Snapfish let you post online galleries. Blogs are another way to share your images.
What Applications Should I Use? Free applications I’ve used …
Picasa 3
Kodak EasyShare
What Applications Should I Use? Programs you pay for…
Adobe Photoshop CS4
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7
Corel Paintshop Pro 9
I just Deleted all my photos! Image Recovery Don’t Panic! Stellar Photo Recovery MediaRECOVER 4.0
Digitizing Prints & Film 1.Send them to a lab. 2.Scan them yourself. 3.Use your digital camera to copy prints.
Using a Lab Advantages Saves you time in the long run. At the best labs, trained technicians inspect and correct each scan. Disadvantages May take a couple of months to get your completed order. Small risk of losing you photos and film. It will cost you some hard earned money. On average $0.35 per scan.
The Process Organize you prints, negatives and slides. Estimate, roughly, how many of each you have. Fill out the order form. Prepay required amount. Pack you materials up and ship them as per the lab’s instructions.
The Process Preview your scans and determine which are keepers. Pay the final tally. Your materials show up at your doorstep.
Some Recomendations
Scan Your Own You need a flatbed scanner for prints. Transparency adapter needed to scan negatives and slides. Lots of hard drive space. Even more patience!
For Prints Color or Grayscale. Scan should have, at least, the dimensions of the original. Minimum dpi should be 300. Example: A 4x6 inch print should be scanned at 4x6 inches with a resolution of 300 dpi.
For Slides and Negatives Negative or Transparency. Scan film at 100% of frame size. Resolution for 35mm film should be dpi. This will give you the option of making prints from the scan of 8x10 easily.
How Do I Keep My Photos Safe? Burn to CDs/DVDs Keep photos on media cards Use an incremental backup system Copy to multiple Hard drives Use a RAID 5 system.
CDs / DVDs Advantages Inexpensive Easy to store. Reasonably stable. Disadvantages Slowest of the medias Limited storage. Will degrade over time.
Media Cards Advantages Your images are already on the card. Writes fast. Solid state, no moving parts. Very stable. Disadvantages Relatively expensive. Limited storage. Small size can make it hard to keep track of. You need a card reader to access the card.
Hard Drives Advantages Least expensive per MB. Huge amounts of storage. Very fast read / write speeds. Disadvantages Fairly fragile. Moving parts can breakdown. Some need external power.