3rd European Connected Health Leadership Summit, Brussels, 14th – 15th June 2011 The post MoU landscape Ilias Iakovidis Acting Head, ICT for Inclusion DG Information Society and Media European Commission ••• 1 1
History Cooperation in R&D with AHRQ, NIH, NSF under S&T agreement Since 2005 discussions with ONC/HHS on support to deployment following policy developments in EU (April ‘04) and US (May ‘04) Joint workshops (07, 08); ARGOS (‘10-’11); eHealth week ‘10; Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Vice President N. Kroes and Secretary K. Sebelius, Dec ’10 http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=6788
Rationale To accelerate the deployment of proven/beneficial eHealth solutions Single eHealth Market in EU, competitive & transparent market in US To provide a platform for actors to engage in cooperation – building on the work of organizations such EABC, TABD, HIMSS Europe, etc To create Bilateral commitment To realize tangible results through MoU
WHAT and WHY supported so far by ARGOS project Interoperability- Epsos/ONC, Int. Semantic Interop. group, Eurorec What: patient summary (epSOS), semantics, testing/certification why: safety, efficacy, continuity of care, defragmentation of global market: competition better quality at lower price Skills developments- ONC, relevant stakeholders What: ensure adequacy of literate and skilled users and developers to Why: weak link in scalability of eHealth solutions Benchmarking/ assessment of benefits - OECD/ONC/EC, MS What: Agreed indicators and measures of adoption and benefits Why: Provide evidence and accelerate deployment eHealth in support to Research and public health- VPH NoE/IMAG What: Tools for VPH (in silico medicine) and “learning health system” Why: To joint forces and resources to tackle new promising areas
VPH International Cooperation What we have done so far Strong Cooperation with NIH http://www.nibib.nih.gov/Funding/MultiscaleModeling, http://www.cancer.gov/ and in particular in IMAG group activities http://www.imagwiki.org/mediawiki/ Weaker cooperation with Japan and China Call for proposals to invite International organizations to our VPH projects (5 new contracts start now with partners from US, NZ) Current call on VPH is open and encourages INCO partners The call in 2012 will have dedicated budget to INCO partners Conferences with participation of US and EU projects ICT-BIO 2006 and 2008 IMAG symposium: http://www.siam.org/meetings/ls08/index.php Healthgrid conferences
What’s next Progress and delivery on the joint projects Consultation with interested parties and Identification of further topics and targets- like today Prioritisation against EU & US policy goals and initiatives e.g. Europe 2020/Digital Agenda for Europe Agreements on targets, project and delivery dates
European Digital Agenda 19-5-2010 The Commission will work with Member States competent authorities and all interested stakeholders to: Key Action 13: Undertake pilot actions to equip Europeans with secure online access to their medical health data by 2015 and to achieve by 2020 widespread deployment of telemedicine services; Key Action 14: Propose a recommendation defining a minimum common set of patient data for interoperability of patient records to be accessed or exchanged electronically across Member States by 2011; Other actions: Foster EU-wide standards, interoperability testing and certification of eHealth systems by 2015 through stakeholder dialogue; ••• 7
EIP AHA Objectives and headline target Headline target by 2020 Increasing the number of healthy life years (HLYs) by 2 in the EU on average A triple win for Europe Enabling EU citizens to lead healthy, active and independent lives until old age Improving the sustainability and efficiency of social and health care systems Developing and deploying innovative solutions, thus fostering competitiveness and market growth
EC Funding - The Wider Picture Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership · Public Health Programme Health · FP7 JPI More · · · eHealth action plan Years, Policy Areas · FP7 Natio · · Struct Better nal eHealth CIP eHealth ural Lives Funds EIB ESF funds FP7 ICT & Ageing well action plan · · · CIP ICT & AAL Ageing well Ageing well Time to market