eLearning - Ragusa 31st May COMPUTER-ASSISTED LEARNING IN ADULT BASIC TRAINING (CALABAT) Original aims of the CALABAT project: Devise a system for trans-national certification in adult basic training Develop a Trainee Record of Achievement-based website Arrange for cross-moderation of the CALABAT system by the partner-country national certification bodies Develop training descriptors Develop a schedule for the assessment of learning within the CALABAT system Work closely with a concurrent Socrates project being promoted by the Edinburgh University Settlement, entitled Adult Returners Key Skills (ARKS) in such a way that learning materials being compiled by this project would complement the CALABAT training descriptors Harmonise European and national training standards at first-rung level on a ladder of opportunity to be put in place by the EC Through their use of the CALABAT website, encourage greater computer literacy among trainers and trainees
eLearning - Ragusa 31st May LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT - CALABAT LIST OF BASIC COMPETENCES Communications The trainee can: seek information and use reference skills extract information and provide feedback from a variety of contexts and carry out instructions correctly use a range of reading techniques appropriate for work, community or leisure use writing to perform everyday tasks use basic computer and word processing techniques use communication technology has threshold level skills in one other European language (Optional)
eLearning - Ragusa 31st May LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT - CALABAT LIST OF BASIC COMPETENCES Numeracy The trainee can: use concepts and measurement of time and money calculate the quantity and cost of goods or services plan and control a budget for a personal, work or leisure project use basic geometric language, rules and formulae to solve problems of shape and volume
eLearning - Ragusa 31st May LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT - CALABAT LIST OF BASIC COMPETENCES Citizenship The trainee can: use the main National and European institutions make use of essential services in the community understand and respect the customs and practices of a multi- cultural society
eLearning - Ragusa 31st May LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT - CALABAT LIST OF BASIC COMPETENCES Interpersonal Skills The trainee can: work with one other to complete a joint task carry out a defined task in a group deal with difference interpret and use common non-verbal messages
eLearning - Ragusa 31st May LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT - CALABAT LIST OF BASIC COMPETENCES Learning to Learn The trainee can: prepare for a learning task carry out a learning task report on a learning task
eLearning - Ragusa 31st May European Certificate of Basic Skills Domain: Communications Element A: The trainee can seek information and use reference skills. Performance Criteria 1. The trainee uses appropriate guides, catalogues, newspapers. 2. The trainee uses a table of contents page. 3. The trainee uses an alphabetic, thematic and chronological index. 4. The trainee uses a timetable. Range Statements Trainees should demonstrate the ability to find information using at least three simple reference sources. The texts should have an index system e.g. encyclopedias, telephone directories, almanacs, etc., or thematic construction.