Circulation of blood Tamara Tolp Tamara Tolp Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM arteries arteries arterioles arterioles veins veins venules venules capillaries capillaries heart heart
BLOOD circulates through the body circulates through the body carries nutrients (food),oxygen and many other substances to all cells of the body carries nutrients (food),oxygen and many other substances to all cells of the body carries away waste products carries away waste products without access to the blood, cells and body tissues die without access to the blood, cells and body tissues die
CIRCULATION OF BLOOD Pulmonary circulation Pulmonary circulation heart - lung heart - lung Systemic Circulation Systemic Circulation heart – tissue capillaries heart – tissue capillaries
PULMONARY CIRCULATION oxygen-poor blood oxygen-poor blood enters heart from the body and goes to lungs enters heart from the body and goes to lungs pulmonary artery pulmonary artery carries blood deficient in oxygen carries blood deficient in oxygen
PULMONARY CIRCULATION lung capillaries lung capillaries blood absorbs oxygen and loses carbon dioxide blood absorbs oxygen and loses carbon dioxide oxygen-rich blood oxygen-rich blood pulmonary veins pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood carry oxygen-rich blood
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart through pulmonary veins oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart through pulmonary veins left ventricle pushes the blood out through the main artery, the aorta left ventricle pushes the blood out through the main artery, the aorta
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION the aorta divides into numerous branches called arteries the aorta divides into numerous branches called arteries arterioles – tissue capillaries arterioles – tissue capillaries
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION tissue capillaries tissue capillaries near the body cells near the body cells blood delivers oxygen and picks up carbon dioxide blood delivers oxygen and picks up carbon dioxide
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION venules, veins venules, veins return the blood to the right side of the heart return the blood to the right side of the heart oxygen-poor blood oxygen-poor blood
CAUSES OF IMPAIRED BLOOD CIRCULATION impaired or poor blood circulation impaired or poor blood circulation result of age, lifestyle or disease, accumulation of free radicals result of age, lifestyle or disease, accumulation of free radicals
CAUSES OF IMPAIRED BLOOD CIRCULATION lack of oxygen reduces the energy level in cells and waste products accumulate in both muscles and connective tissue lack of oxygen reduces the energy level in cells and waste products accumulate in both muscles and connective tissue pain and other illness may occur in several places in the body pain and other illness may occur in several places in the body
SIGNS OF IMPAIRED BLOOD CIRCULATION pain while walking pain while walking muscle cramps (common at night) muscle cramps (common at night) cold hands and feet cold hands and feet restless legs restless legs swollen legs and feet swollen legs and feet slow healing of injuries/ wounds slow healing of injuries/ wounds myocardial infarction (heart attack) myocardial infarction (heart attack) stroke stroke
MEASUREMENT OF BLOOD CIRCULATION even when the blood pressure is normal, blood circulation may be seriously impaired! even when the blood pressure is normal, blood circulation may be seriously impaired! awareness of the causes and effects of poor blood circulation is very important awareness of the causes and effects of poor blood circulation is very important