ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland ENSEMBLES RT8 Dissemination, education and training Martin Beniston Department of Geosciences University of Fribourg, Switzerland
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Primary aims 1. Internet-based project dissemination To enable efficient dissemination and exchange of information on ENSEMBLES activities 2. ENSEMBLES publications To ensure the visibility of ENSEMBLES within the scientific community at large 3. Workshops, short courses To provide an ENSEMBLES-based framework for interdisciplinary exchange and stakeholder dialog 4. PhD-training activities To allow young scientists to gain knowledge and experience from modeling and impacts research within ENSEMBLES
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Partners n CLIMPACT consulting, Paris, France n H. Loukos n ECMWF, Reading, UK n F. Dobles-Reyes n Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France n M. Ghil n Institut Universitaire Kurt Boesch, Sion, Switzerland n E. Schuepbach n International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy n F. Giorgi n Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Géosciences de lEnvironnement (LGGE), Université Joseph-Fourier, Grenoble, France n C. Boutron n National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), Bucharest, Romania n I. Mares n National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece n C. Giannakopoulos n University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, UK n T. Holt n University of Fribourg (UNIFR), Switzerland n M. Beniston n University of Liverpool (UNILIV), UK n A. Morse
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Allocation of Work Packages n Co-ordination and management of RT8 (WP8.0) – UNIFR – NOA n WP8.1 (Project dissemination) – UEA n ECMWF; NOA; UNIFR n WP8.2 (Publications) – UNIFR n CLIMPACT; UEA n WP8.3 (Workshops) – LGGE n ICTP; NIMH; NOA; UNIFR; (IUKB) n WP8.4 (PhD training, short courses, etc.) – ENS n ICTP; LGGE; UNIFR; UNILIV; (IUKB)
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Tasks of WP8.0 (Management) n Meetings of RT8 participants on a regular basis to discuss and adjust strategies within RT8 n RT8 project website n Timely approach to deliverables n Representation of RT8 at ENSEMBLES management board meetings n By month 3 n Month 3 at the latest
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Tasks of WP8.1 n Project-based web-sites, including members web sites and public web site n ENSEMBLES publicity brochure, also available on-line n Electronic newsletters n Web-based discussion groups, to enable dialog between ENSEMBLES researchers and stakeholders/end-users n Dissemination of information at a general level about climate change for the public understanding of science n Month 3 n Month 6 n Regular basis
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland WP8.1 Deliverables and Milestones n Deliverables ä ENSEMBLES public web-site ä ENSEMBLES publicity material ä Targeted information sheets ä Prototype of Internet project « Public Understanding of Science » n Milestones ä Assessment of the progress and quality of Internet based information
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Tasks of WP8.2 n Project publicity material n Information sheets and briefing notes for various audiences n Promotion of climate change issues to the corporate sector n Publications of a policy- oriented nature for IPCC, UNFCCC, etc. n Conference papers n Coordination of peer- reviewed special journal edition with ENSEMBLES research n As required n Month 18, contribution to IPCC emission scenarios for Europe n Aim for 2007 and 2008, in preparation of Workshop with stakeholder participation in 2009
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland WP8.2 Deliverables and Milestones n Deliverables ä Conference papers ä Policy papers ä Cross-cutting publications in peer- reviewed journal or book series n Milestones ä Assessment of the progress and quality of published material based on ENSEMBLES work
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Tasks of WP8.3 n ENSEMBLES-sponsored Workshops ä Cross-cutting issues ä Extreme events and impacts ä Stakeholder participation n Workshop/Short Course in Romania with Newly Associated States n Specific courses related to ENSEMBLES activities within existing forums, to enhance ENSEMBLES visibility ä 2005 ä 2006 ä 2008, 2009 n 2006 n Regular basis, for example in the context of ERCA short courses
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland WP8.3 Deliverables and Milestones n Deliverables ä Workshop organization ä Workshop reports n Milestones ä Evaluation of Workshop outputs ä Improvements in inter- disciplinary exchange within the ENSEMBLES community
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Tasks of WP8.4 n ENSEMBLES-sponsored training activities aimed at PhD-level students ä Hands-on approaches to models and methodologies n ENSEMBLES summer school/short courses n Staff and student-exchange programs to share inter- disciplinary approaches to ENSEMBLES-generated research (ENSEMBLES visiting scientists/exchange students) ä From 2005 ä From 2006
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland WP8.4 Deliverables and Milestones n Deliverables ä ENSEMBLES PhD training schools ä ENSEMBLES short courses ä Staff exchange programs n Milestones ä Evaluation of PhD short courses and training programs ä Modification of concepts of these events if required
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland n RT8 is not a « stand-alone » component of ENSEMBLES!!! n Its success will depend upon the close interaction and collaboration with all other RTs and with the coordination center n In addition to what has been proposed for the contract, new ideas can be stimulated within ENSEMBLES and be communicated to RT8 for a broader dissemination n Additional Workshops and scientist exchange programs can be accommodated by RT8 at the request of ENSEMBLES members n... Conclusion
ENSEMBLES-Hamburg Meeting, Martin Beniston, University of Fribourg, Switzerland