Human Body Organization & Homeostasis Gaiser Life Science
Human Body Organization and Homeostasis Know List all the body systems you know. (There are 11.) “I don’t know any.” is not an acceptable answer. Use complete sentences. Evidence After listening to the PowerPoint lecture, come back here and list evidence to explain why your answer to the above question is or is not a good answer. You may also use other outside sources to help you respond. Page 50
Human Body Organization and Homeostasis Information Clarifying ?s Organization levels of the human body 1. Cells 2. Tissues 3. Organs 4. Organ systems tissues - similar cells that perform the same function A. Muscle tissue: 4 types of tissue 1. Assists the body parts to move Example: biceps and gastrocnemis 2. Moves blood through the heart Example: heart muscle 3. Assists the body in carrying out digestion Example: esophagus B. Nerve tissue 1. Brings messages to the central nervous system 2. Sends messages to the muscle system Example: Brain, spinal, and peripheral nerves Page 51
Human Body Organization and Homeostasis Information Clarifying ?s C. Connective tissue surrounds, supports, and connects organs, muscles, joints, and other body parts Example: collagen fibroblasts and fat cells D. Epithelial tissue Covers body surfaces and allows food and water to selectively go through it Example: skin and digestive lining - a structure composed of different kinds of tissue which performs a specific job organ Example: The heart contains all four types of tissue; its job is to pump blood. Page 52
Human Body Organization and Homeostasis Information Clarifying ?s - a group of organs working together organ system Example: The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are all part of the digestive system. - the body’s internal balance to keep it stable despite external changes homeostasis Example: The body temperature stays at 37˚C even if the outside temperature drops well below 0˚C. - the reaction to threats, challenges, or disturbing events by the body and brain stress Physical response - fast heartbeat, fast breathing, and sweating Long term problems - tired, irritable, high blood pressure Dealing with stress - Exercise! Ask for help. Deal with it - don’t ignore it Summary: Page 53
Human Body Organization and Homeostasis Information Clarifying ?s Organization levels of the human body 1. Cells 2. Tissues 3. Organs 4. Organ systems tissues - similar cells that perform the same function A. Muscle tissue: 3 types of connective tissue 1. Assists the body parts to move Example: biceps and gastrocnemis 2. Moves blood through the heart Example: heart valves 3. Assists the body in carrying out digestion Example: esophagus B. Nerve tissue 1. Brings messages to the central nervous system 2. Sends messages to the muscle system Example: Brain, spinal, and peripheral nerves C. Connective tissue surrounds, supports, and connects organs, muscles, joints, and other body parts Example: collagen fibroblasts and fat cells D. Epithelial tissue Covers body surfaces and allows food and water to selectively go through it Example: skin and digestive lining
Human Body Organization and Homeostasis Information Clarifying ?s - a structure composed of different kinds of tissue which performs a specific job organ Example: The heart contains all three types of tissue; its job is to pump blood. - a group of organs working together Organ system Example: The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are all part of the digestive system. - the body’s internal balance to keep it stable despite external changes homeostasis Example: The body temperature stays at 37˚ even if the outside temperature drops well below 0˚. - the reaction to threats, challenges, or disturbing events by the body and brain stress Physical response - fast heartbeat, fast breathing, and sweating Long term problems - tired, irritable, high blood pressure Dealing with stress - Exercise! Ask for help. Deal with it - don’t ignore it Summary:
This PowerPoint was created from Charlene Shea’s lecture notes by Tim Paterek. It is copyrighted and may not be reproduced outside the Vancouver School District. All pictures came from Google Image Search. To fall within the Fair Use Guidelines, this PowerPoint must be used within the confines of the classroom and may not be published back onto the Internet unless the pictures are removed.