Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Project: First shift Status: October 2006 Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek Chamber of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises in Katowice, Poland 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland October 2006
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Agenda: 1.Main results: –soft skills training programme (June / July 2006) –theoretical training programme (from June 2006) –practical training programme (from July 2006) 2.Mutual influence of DP and TCA 3.Challenges 4.Next steps
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Main results: soft skills training programme 1.First integration in the groups of the beneficiaries, 2.There were 43 participants, 3.Very good results of the process of the integration, 4.Initial problems with the attendance.
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Main results: theoretical training programme 1.Plan: 264 hours of theoretical training, 2.There were 43 beneficiaries at the beginning, 3.Problems with motivation to participate in such a long training, 4.Continuous problems with the attendance.
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Main results: practical training programme 1.Plan: 800 hours of practical training, 2.There were 43 beneficiaries at the beginning, 3.Problems with motivation to participate in such a long training, 4.Continuous problems with the attendance.
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Mutual influence of DP and TCA: 1.All information concerning VENet model is regularly sent to our national partners, 2.Psychosocial support for beneficiaries, 3.International conference, 4.Workshops for labour offices workers (in Action 3), 5.Conferences for politicians (in Action 3).
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Challenges: 1.Permanent changes of the budget, 2.Supervising the beneficiaries, 3.Problems with the National Agency (organizational problems, no answers for our questions), 4.Cash flow problems (long and time-consuming procedure), 5.Risk regarding the possible flow of the staff involved in the project.
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Next steps: To finish the theoretical training programme (group A): February 2007; To finish vocational training programme (group A): February 2007; Exam (Apprentice Certificate) for group A, Recruitment of the next groups B and C of the beneficiaries: December 2006 and May 2007, To start realising the Action 3 (January 2007), To organize the final event in Brussels with our partners: February 2007.
Polish DP First Shift – Status: October Piotr Suliga, Piotr Bastek 4th TCA Meeting in Katowice, Poland, October 2006 Thank you for your attention!!!