BOOKS The Publishing Industry
OTHER (not so recent) Trends Harry Potter
Trends “The Oprah Effect”Oprah Effect
History of Books Papyrus Egypt, 2400 B.C. -made from reeds
China: bamboo strips (1600 BC)
History of Books Parchment- treated animal skin, 300 BC
History of Books Vellum- the term for high quality parchment Smooth durable
History of Books Codex - protomodern book form, 2nd- 3rd century A.D.
History of Books Paper: 13th century (cheaper than vellum…)
Manuscript Culture Middle Ages, A.D. Illuminated manuscripts
History of Books
China: movable type, 1000 AD Koreans: 1400 AD
The Gutenberg Revolution Printing press with movable type
The Gutenberg Revolution Social transformations - information spreads beyond localities People see themselves as individuals -- not solely dependent upon leaders and families Can challenge traditional wisdom
Books in the U.S. 1830s - machine-made paper Cloth rather than leather covers mid-1800s: paperback books 1860s - paperback dime novels Also known as pulp fiction
Advances in Printing Linotype: mid 1880s. Allows type to be set mechanically with typewriter-like keyboard.
Advances in Printing Offset lithography: Books printed from photographic plates rather than metal casts.
Types of Books
Trade Books - for general readers, sold at bookstores (fiction and nonfiction, biographies, literary classics, art books, cook books, etc.) Can be hard or “quality” softbound. Is the largest segment in sales ($). COLLEEN?
Types of Books Professional Books - Target occupational groups, not general public. Law, business, medicine, technical- scientific.
Types of Books Textbooks - El-hi –influence of Texas and California College –Average cost $ –Average student spends $832 a year on textbooks and supplies.
Think-Pair-Share 1. how much money did you spend this semester on textbooks? 2. which books cost the most money? 3. if you returned any books last semester, how much $$ did you get back? 4. what choices are available at your university or college for purchasing textbooks?
Media & Culture $78.95 Authors: –Richard Campbell: 9.00 –Bettina Fabos: 75 cents –Chris Martin: 75 cents TOTAL: $10.50
Publisher (Bedford/St. Martins) –Paper, printing, editorial: $20.50 –General Administrative costs: $7 –Marketing costs: $10.50 –Pre-tax income: $4.90 TOTAL: $42.90 Freight Expense: TOTAL: $1
College Bookstore –Personnel: $8.90 –Operations: $8.1 –Pre-tax income: $7.55 TOTAL: $24.55
Types of Books Mass-market paperbacks - most sold, but not most profitable segment (low margins of profit) Religious books - most popular book of all-time?
Types of Books Reference Books University Press Books
Types of Books Reference Books University Press Books –Wrong TurnWrong Turn
Organization of Industry Acquisitions editors Subsidiary rights Advance money Developmental editor Promote books with “dumps”
Organization of Industry Superstores –Borders-Waldenbooks –Barnes & Noble, B.Dalton, Doubleday Online stores – –Barnes&
Ownership in Book Industry Bertelsmann - owns Random House, Bantam-Doubleday-Dell Viacom - owns Simon & Schuster Time Warner - Little, Brown; Time/Life Books
More books published now than ever before: 160,000 annually in U.S. alone.
THINK PAIR SHARE What kinds of trade books (novels, nonfiction, etc.) do you like to read? How do you find out about a book you might like?book Where do you buy books? Do you check books out of a library?