Causes and contents of the Cold War United Nations NATO and Warsaw Treaty Space Race The Iron Curtain The Berlin Wall Western and Eastern Germany Cuban missile crisis Israel and the USA Decolonization
USAUSSR Free electionsNo elections or fixed DemocraticAutocratic / Dictatorship CapitalistCommunist Survival of the fittestEverybody helps everybody Richest world powerPoor economic base Personal freedom Society controlled by the NKVD (secret police) Freedom of the mediaTotal censorship The cold war was a relationship that developed primarily between the USA and the USSR after World War Two.
The structure of the United Nations is based around its charter. The United Nations Charter consists of 111 articles. The UN is formed by: The General Assembly The Security Council The Economical and Social Council The International Court of Justice The Secretariat
The NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a defensive military alliance composed by capitalists countries, to protect themselves from communism. The Warsaw Treaty is a defensive military alliance composed by communist countries to protect themselves from capitalists and the nuclear bomb. Both contents created a big tension between each other for 35 years. They fought against each other indirectly in some conflicts (Cuba, Korea, Vietnam). The Warsaw Treaty disappeared in 1991 with the URSS, and some of their states joined the NATO. Nowadays the NATO has got other problems, like the Middle East conflicts, because communism has almost disappeared.
SPUTNICK LAIKA APOLLO XI YURI GAGARING YURIS CAPSULE AMSTRONGS STEP The Space Race was a technological battle with the aim of being the first to conquest the space.
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an "iron curtain" has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrad, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow. The Iron Curtain is a term that its used to describe the changes of the battles for power and prestige between the Capitalist and the Communist bloc from the end of World War II until 1989.
Germany had been divided in four occupied zones. In 1948, the allied states decided to unify their territories and create a Federal Germany State, independent from the USSR zone. The USSR ordered to block the capital: Berlin. The USA created an air bridge to provide the city with their resources. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany were created
The division of Berlin was made in August of 1961 with the construction of a communist wall to separate the city. Since 1961 to 1989 Germany was strictly separated. The German resolutions and decisions were made by the strongest potencies: the USA and the USSR.
In 1959 Fidel Castro installs a communist revolutionary regime in Cuba. The USA boycotts it economically. As a result of this, the USSR supports Cuba, and decide to install some missiles pointing Washington. In October 1962 they reached the maximum tension. Soviets decide to retire the missiles due to the threaten of war by Kennedy, and he wins the conflict. Some years later we know the truth.
Palestine was a British protectorate. UN decided to give part of this land to the Jews, and divided the country. British soldiers left the country. Ben Gurion, leader of Israel, declared the independence of the state. The Arabian League didnt tolerate it and declared the war. Israel was supported by the USA, and they even won parts of land. They signed a treaty of peace, but there have been other wars. USA uses its right of veto when some countries want to talk about this in the UN.
The colonies want his independence The national movements increase The potential colonies prestige decrease An international opinion against the colonisation was expanding The USA and the USSR give support to the decolonisation. It begins when: In Asia, the Great Britain, in 1947, accepted the Indian independence and, in 1949, Indonesia was an independence state. In 1956, Morocco and Tunisia became independents from France. In sub-Saharan Africa, between 1955 and 1965, a lot of the British, French and Belgium colonies became independent. Finally the Portuguese colonies disappeared and Namibia became independent. And took place: