Questions about The Next Generation of Software and Innovation Chris Hofmann Ireland Sept
The key is for each new business to define the things that are important for their users, and stay focused on those things Make Great Software, then figure out the business model. (not allows possible, but worth the effort) For Mozilla we have 6 basic tough questions
Our 6 tough questions Is it secure and safe enough? Is the web and the browser fast enough? Is it easy to use? Is it interoperable / compatible enough? Does it reach enough people, on enough devices, and in enough languages? Is it a useful and does it aid navigation to content ? Innovation is about trying 100's of things to find 2 or 3 good answers
To Innovate Repair the 'bad' choices from the past – Simplify – Throw stuff out Look for Opportunities in the 6 Questions – Habits and needs change and evolve – Tab Browsing Example – What Worked for 6 Tabs doesn't work for 40
Great Software: Solves a Real Problem Simplifies, Speeds, Puts Users in Control Provides a good collection of choices
About Choice From the books Nudge and Blink and Sway Humans Not Wired to Make Good Choices Reactive v. Contemplative Decisions Choice Order Matters Software Choice Architects Can Help
How does this all fit together? An Economic Model of Engagement and New dimensions of Openness
Get users to provide data Get users to participate in your network These are basic premises of many Cloud Computing, Social Networks, SaaS applications across the software industry.... Both of these are heavily reliant on trust, openness, commitment and demonstrated ability to not be evil
Expanding Dimensions of Openness
How Open is Your Product? How Open is Your Org? Hundreds of Chances to be Open each day
Creating Open (Trusted) Organizations is Hard Its made of 1000's of decisions made in many different dimensions over many years. Keep asking the questions every day. How Open/Transparent/Observable/Engaging is Our Organization? How Well Are We Serving Our Users?
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