The DataFlex Web Framework Symposium Essentially a full day of focus on the Web Framework, spread over two afternoons Presenters include Harm Wibier, Roel Fermont, John van Houten, John Tuohy and yours truly There will be a bit of tag-teaming going on – but we’ll try to be nice about it
The DataFlex Web Framework Symposium Wednesday, 1:45 to 5:30 Part 1 - What You Can Build Part 2 - Web Framework Overview Part 3 - Building a Web Application with the Studio Part 4 - Understanding the Web Framework Part 5 - Web Application Debugging
The DataFlex Web Framework Symposium Thursday, 1:45 to 5:ish Part 6 - Web Reporting Part 7 - Starting a New Web Application Part 8 - Styling Your Web Application Part 9 - Extending the Framework with JavaScript
DataFlex Web Framework Symposium – Part 1 What You Can Build Stephen W. Meeley Development Team
TASCA – Michael Mullan Sailing club needed a members-only section of their web site for roster, skills certification, paying dues and student registration DO NOT show your boss your first two hours work! Expect you to provide full featured webapps at a rate of two or three views per day. The learning curve for that last 20% of complexity is somewhat steep. Presumably when the documentation is complete this won't be quite so bad. The registration screen took about 12 hours because I was stepping outside the framework a little to do it.
State Road Authority – Chris Spencer Management System for all the states school zone light systems It records all faults, all corrective actions and tracks the component movements (including serial number, where they have been used etc) Originally written in Ajax (with additional jQuery libraries and lots and lots of javascript to control save and delete events, etc). A real PITA to manage... Re-did this app with Web Framework, producing a much cleaner looking interface and NOT ONE LINE of JavaScript needed! Convinced him that DataFlex Windows apps can be migrated to the web. This is contrary to how he felt a couple of years ago
Certified / HCSS – Jeff Kimmel Web application for fleet equipment maintenance and fluid sample analysis They were able to use a new development team member (who had just finished their standard 3 month boot camp – no prior development experience) for most of the DataFlex code and Jeff handling styling and a few of the more complicated areas Uses 21 tables and 29 views
Morrison Supply – Chuck Atkins Chuck just showed me his work this morning Took a Windows application and just started implementing it with the Web Framework He is really impressed with simplicity and speed of treeviews
Think Outside the Box John van Houten has been playing with less “standard” portals Neon Garden CRS Gallery