Andressa Ribeiro do Amaral
* Para indicar fatos futuros e/ou inevitáveis: It will rain tomorrow. * Para decisões tomadas no momento da enunciação: Will you come with me? Ok, I’ll go. * Para expressar previsões ou expectativas: Students will probably come to English classes. * Para expressar promessas ou compromissos: We will meet at Paris in July.
* Forma-se o Simple Future acrescentando WILL antes do verbo no infinitivo sem o to: * She [to come] on March, 27 th to visit her parents She will come on March, 27 th to visit her parents.
* No Simple Future, as formas negativa e interrogativa exigem um verbo auxiliar: Will ou Won’t (will + not) * Will you marry me? Yes, I will!/No, I won’t. * I won’t tolerate this behavior any longer. You must come home earlier.
* Para expressar intenções, planos ou decisões: I’m moving to my sister’s house next summer. * Para expressar fatos iminentes, que parecem certos: He’s going to a buy an apartment at the beach.
* Future With Going To: Verbo To Be no presente (Simple Present) + Going To + Verbo Principal no inifinitivo sem o to: They [to be] [going to] [to visit] Greece They are going to visit Greece. * I am going to buy a new car * It is going to rain, I’m certain.
* No Future With Going To, o verbo To Be funciona como verbo auxiliar nas sentenças negativa e interrogativa: * Are you going to study abroad? Yes, I am! * They are not going to stay the whole week.
* Para expressar algo que estará em andamento em algum momento do futuro: * By this time next week, I’ll be laying at the beach. * She will be travelling around Australia during the next year.
* Future Continuous: Verbo auxiliar Will Be + Verbo Principal no –ing * He [will be] [to study] at the library He will be studying at the library. * They will be analyzing the patients data at the lab.
* As formas negativa e afirmativa seguem as regras do Simple Future (auxiliar will/won’t): * Will you be studying by 9 o’clock? Oh, I’m afraid I will/ No, I won’t.