Horace, Morris, but Mostly Dolores Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading
Vocabulary adventure climbed greatest truest clubhouse exploring wondered downhearted sewer
adventure An exciting experience.
climbed Went upward.
greatest The best or most wonderful.
truest The most real or loyal.
clubhouse A house or structure where a group meets.
exploring Going someplace to discover what it is like.
wondered Wanted to know more.
downhearted Very sad.
sewer Underground pipes that carry away waste.
Amazing Words appreciate respect demand firmly advantage defiant communicate respect demand firmly advantage defiant ferocious
appreciate To feel grateful or thankful for something.
communicate To talk to each or keep in touch in other ways such as writing, email, texting, or sign language.
respect A feeling of high regard you have for another person.
demand To order someone to do something.
firmly To say something in a determined way that shows you won’t change your mind.
advantage To be in a better or more favorable position than someone else.
defiant Openly disobedient or challenging to someone else.
ferocious To be powerful, violent, or fierce.