Associated Underwriters, Inc. © 2011 by Associated Underwriters, Inc. Ed LEX-EGPP-VIC Physical Damage Coverage Plan Including GAP and GAP Pay Plus Associated Underwriters, Inc. (AUI) is pleased to offer you a quote for a Physical Damage (Comprehensive and Collision) Coverage Plan including GAP and GAP Pay Plus. This customized insurance solution is from one of Americas top-rated insurers. This coverage plan helps you avoid the hidden costs of getting back in business after a claim. Take a moment to compare the extensive coverage features included in the plan. Is your coverage as comprehensive? Physical Damage Coverage Plan Limits Comprehensive and Collision Coverage (selected deductible applies) Additional Coverages from Loss Arising out of a Covered Collision or Comprehensive Claim: Towing, Storage, Debris Removal ACV Additional Limit of $7,500 each Temporary Transportation Expenses $150/day – $750/week $2,500/occurrence Pollutant Clean-up Expenses $10,000 / year On and Off-Board Electronics ($250 deductible)$5,000 Moving Equipment, Tarps, Chains & Binders$5,000 Expendable Supplies – fuel, oil, etc. ($250 ded.)$3,000 GAP and GAP Pay Plus Guaranteed Asset Protection in a total loss when ACV is less than loan balance or lease stipulated value. Reimbursement of out of pocket expenses to buy a similar, replacement vehicle (down payment, insurance deductible, sales tax, licenses, etc.) in a total loss. Up to $50,000 10% of Sales Price up to $10,000 Special Features Guaranteed Rates 1 Guaranteed for the Term of Your Financing When funded as part of Your Volvo Financial Services Loan or Lease (Up to a 72-month term and NO down payment) 1 Subject to an annual review of drivers MVRs by AUI. Diminishing Deductible 2 After Each Year with No Claims Your Deductible Drops 50% to a Zero-Dollar Deductible in Year 5. 2 Not available if the $5,000 deductible plan is selected. Single Deductible In a single loss involving an insured tractor and insured trailer, only one deductible applies. Insurance policies are issued by independent insurance companies, not Volvo Financial Services or any affiliate. You are not required to finance insurance with Volvo Financial Services as a condition or an extension of an offer of credit. This is a summary for general reference only, does not guarantee coverage and is for informational purposes only. It should not be relied upon by any person or entity as evidence of the existence of insurance coverage. The general coverage descriptions in this brochure are abbreviated. Refer to the actual insurance policy for all specific coverages, coverage amounts, terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. If there is any conflict between the information contained herein and the actual insurance policy, the insurance policy provisions prevail. To obtain a copy of the policy, please contact AUI. AUI CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: Fax: Other coverage plans and options are available. For more information, contact AUI – or visit your local Volvo dealer for a free quote.