The Prince This project is worth TWO Exam grades and is due the first class day after Christmas break. Choose ONE from EACH Section Section One: Written I. Be sure to number your responses and include the question; Single space your document. Your document should be at least one and ½ pages but no more than two pages! 1. Have some of your beliefs about people been challenged and if so, in what way? If not, how are your beliefs about people reinforced ? In what ways will this influence your behavior? 2. What insights have you gained to better understand how governments operate? Or what insights have you gained to better understand how governments work within an existing structure? 3. How do Machiavellis philosophies operate in todays civil and business world? Do they? 4. What questions would you ask the author if you had the opportunity to speak in person or, What are 2-3 What if questions you would ask the author? 5. How does The Prince connect to any of your personal experiences? Or, What are some concerns after having read The Prince? 6. What are 2-3 passages with which you agree and/or disagree? Provide the quotes, page number from the book, and a brief explanation. or II. Be sure to number your responses 1-5 include the information; A-D in your response. Single space your document. Your document should be at least one and ½ pages but no more than two pages! Select five instances from The Prince that represent a feeling, situation, quote, event, or place. (20 points each) For each of these five instances answer in detail the following questions … A. DESCRIBE a time when one of the above or something similar happened to you. (5 points) B. EXPLAIN why you did or did not act as Machiavelli would suggest in The Prince. (5 points) C. WHAT IF you had chosen the opposite or different action as described in #2? Would your action have improved/worsened the result? Why or why not? (5 points) D. What/Who is a character from a Cartoon/TV show/Film that behaves as Machiavelli suggests? Why does that character behave as such? Is the behavior appropriate? Why or why not? (5 points) I want to be impressed- not Depressed! Section Two: Artifact Creating meaning and understanding involves a collaborative process consisting of rich discussion and exchange of ideas. Therefore, you will also prepare a verbal presentation that will be presented in group format. Guidelines for preparing the verbal segment of the Artifact I. Obtain a paper bag (or similar container) no smaller than 8 x 10 inches – Design the outside of your bag as a cover to reflect events, concepts, main ideas, or themes, etc. you identified in The Prince. – All four sides of your bag should be decorated – Include the title, the author, and your name on the outside of the bag – Select 5 objects that are representative of a feeling, situation, quote, event, place, theme, etc. in the reading. Include a variety of representations and place the objects in the bag – Be prepared to explain your design and its meaning as it relates to the book – Be prepared to explain the significance of each object as it relates to The Prince or II. Make a Pop-Up book (see instructions other side for construction) Must include: Text and illustrations that apply directly to The Prince. All questions below must be answered. One Pop-Up for each question! Must be Bound and use color- Appearance and neatness counts 20% 1. Have some of your beliefs about people been challenged and if so, in what way? If not, how are your beliefs about people reinforced? In what ways will this influence your behavior? (13 %) 2. What insights have you gained to better understand how governments operate? Or what insights have you gained to better understand how governments work within an existing structure? (13 %) 3. How do Machiavellis philosophies operate in todays civil and business world? Do they? (13 %) 4. What questions would you ask the author if you had the opportunity to speak in person? (you must respond to this) Or, What are 2-3 What if questions? (13 %) 5. How does The Prince connect to any of your personal experiences? Or, What are some concerns after having read The Prince? (15 %) 6. What are 2-3 passages with which you agree and/or disagree? Provide the quotes, page number from the book, and a brief explanation. (13 %)
Constructing a Pop-Up Book 1. Draw a rough sketch of the scene you want to create and decide which elements will pop-up. 2. Fold a piece of minimum size 8 ½ X 17 (Legal size) paper or construction paper in half widthwise (hamburger) 3. Along the folded edge, cut two slits of equal length for each of the pop- up tabs in your scene. 4. Open the paper up, and gently pull each of the pop-up tabs forward. 5. Fold the paper again so that each of the pop-up tabs falls into the center. Press the base of each tab so that it forms a crease. 6. Open your paper up and illustrate the background of your scene 7. Create the pop-up elements of your scene and glue them to the pop-up tabs of your scene. 8. Glue the backs of each page together to make a complete book. Use a heavier type of cardboard as a Binding. The dimensions of the binding should be slightly greater than the pages. 9. Variations of the pop-up theme are encouraged! Opening doors, sliders and moving scenes- be creative!