Jeopardy MeroeNapataNubian Women Meroe Hieroglyphics Mystery
Meroe 100 Between which two cataracts on the Nile River is Meroe located? A: its not on the Nile B: 3 rd and 4 th C: 1 st and 5 th D: 5 th and 6 th The Answer is D
Meroe 200 What did the Nubians from Meroe get from the Rocky Desert? A: chickens B: rocks C: iron ore D: foxy ladies The Answer is C
Meroe 300
Meroe 400
Meroe 500
Napata 100
Napata 200
Napata 300
Napata 400
Napata 500
Nubian Women 100
Nubian Women 200
Nubian Women 300
Nubian Women 400
Nubian Women 500
Meroe Hieroglyphics 100
Meroe Hieroglyphics 200
Meroe Hieroglyphics 300
Meroe Hieroglyphics 400
Meroe Hieroglyphics 500
Mystery 100 What is the capital of Pennsylvania? The Answer is Harrisburg
Mystery 200 Who is on the penny? The Answer is ABRAHAM LINCOLN
Mystery 300 How many are in a bakers dozen? The Answer is 13
Mystery 400 A plane crashes on the border of Canada and the USA where do you bury the survivors? The Answer is You dont bury survivors!!
Mystery 500 You are in a dark and cold room with nothing but a match, oil lamp, and oil furnace. Which do you light first? The Answer is The match!!