Agenda 9/6/13, 9/9/13 1)Complete Sketch/write #4 – 10 Things to Know about Photoshop: see slide 3 2)Continue to review the Elements of Art & Principles of Design presentation. 3)Work on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design Project. Refer to the website for project directions and research links. Due period 3 &5: 9/10 Due period 6: 9/11 *If you completed digitally you will need to print in color on your own and turn in on the due date. 4)Read slide 4 for directions on how to log in to your Student Home drive in the Mac Lab. *Save your digital work in at least 2 places: it to yourself save on a thumb drive save to your student home drive set up a free online storage account at
Sketchbook Expectations Title each sketchbook entry with sketch/write #__ and date the entry Fill at least half the page with your response whether it is a sketch, research, notes, thumbnails for a project, etc. All sketchbook entries must be numbered, dated, and kept in numerical order. Use color! You may use the front and back of each page.
Sketch/write #4: 1)Read the article 10 Things to Know About Photoshop on todays date on the Calendar. 2)Number and define in your own words the 10 tips described in the article.
Log in Procedure: Logging in to your personal H drive: 1)Click on the blue drive at the right side of the doc with 3 people on it. It says StuHome 2)A dialog box appears. 3)Enter your username (last name first initial last 4 digits of SI) and password (you should have changed your password to 7 characters or less on a school PC) Click OK. 4)A dialogue box appears again. Select Stuhome Click OK. 5)You are now logged in to your personal H drive only. This is where you save your work.
End of class Procedure Log out Shut down (periods 5 & 6 only) Clean up your work area: throw all trash, return supplies and books to materials table, push in your chair Wait at your desk until the bell rings