EmPowerment 21 EP21 Profile Video Dead Computer/Health Issues/ Intro/Counselors/Game Film?– Follow-up (http://www.youtube.com/user/UTSAP20initiatives) HOV Lane Analogy http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/46828327#46828327 Counselor Q&A http://money.cnn.com/2012/02/29/pf/college/college_costs.moneymag/index.htm Game Film Revisited FAFSA& Student Aid Gumbo follow-up - 15 min Questions & Answers – 3 min
Game Film (Revisited) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kjCJTUFqbA&feature=BFa&list=PLCE72EB283 B4A0358&lf=PlayList (3:02) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dlPrCLDNVQ (2:06)
Financial Aid Gumbo https://studentaid2.ed.gov/getmoney/pay_for_college/award.html http://www.finaid.org/fafsa/awardletters.phtml http://www.finaid.org/fafsa/negotiation.phtml http://www.financialaidletter.com/decoder.html http://resources.courseadvisor.com/financial-aid/award-letter http://go.salliemae.com/content/site/tuitionpay/tuitionpay.htm?dtd_cell=TA_TP1& TA_PROMO=TA_TP1 ROOM & BOARD IS NOW TAXABLE….BE PREPARED!!!
Counselors/Advisors Ms. Ethridge Ms. Taylor Ms. Saldana
Counselor Questions 1. Intoduce self: Name & School 2. Best advice you can give to freshmen and Seniors? Their parents? 3. Most innovative thing you've seen a student do to get scholarship help? Parent? 4. Worse mistakes a teen can make during their HS years? 5. What is the best sites out there for scholarships? 6. Can a parent be too involved in their teens college search? Right balance? 7. Best book you would recommend for Teens? Parents?
Counselor Questions 8. Pros and cons for 4-yr vs Private vs JUCO? 9. Best test to take? Time to take it? number of times to take it? 10. PSAT tips? 11. Last minute scholarships? 12. Great Colleges students often overlook? 13. Wrong/Right reasons to pick a college. 14. Explain types of scholarships and limits. 15. Advice for EP21? 16. Internships? Volunteering? 17. Gap Year Thoughts
Counselor Questions 18. Difference between your student's worse and best parents with regard to interactions w/counselors? 19. FAFSA tips? 20. Positive/Negative impacts of a friend on a teen's decision?