Symbolism of the Entered Apprentice Degree The Lodge System of Masonic Education The Grand Lodge of Georgia F. & A. M.
An Interpretation of the Ritual The Masonic Lodge room is represented as a symbol of the world.
The Ritual The West Gate where the candidate enters represents his birth.
The Ritual When the candidate salutes he signifies his obedience to the Lodge officers.
The Ritual When he follows his guide and fears no danger, he expresses his trust in and loyalty to the fraternity.
The Ritual He takes his first steps into a new life, leaving the darkness of the profane world for the light of Freemasonry.
Symbols of the First Degree The Hoodwink The Cable Tow The Lodge The Entrance The Reception Circumambulation
Symbols The East The Altar The Obligation The Great Lights The Lesser Lights
Symbols The Word & Grip The Apron The Northeast Corner The Working Tools The Worshipful Master
Hoodwink & Cable Tow The Cable Tow symbolizes the external restraints by which a man is controlled. The Hoodwink represents the darkness of the uninitiated man.
The Lodge The Lodge symbolizes the world of Masonry.
Entering the Lodge The Reception symbolizes the penalty for violations of the obligations. The Ceremony of Entrance signifies birth and entry into Masonry.
Circumambulation This Rite represents the progressive journey of Masonic life and the search for light.
The East & the Altar The East is a symbol of the source of light. The Altar is a symbol of the worship of God.
The Obligation The Obligation signifies the nature and place of obligation in human life.
The Great Lights The Holy Bible The Square The Compass
The Lesser Lights The Sun The Moon The Worshipful Master
Word, Grip, & Apron The Word & Grip are our means of recognition. The Apron is the emblem of purity and blamelessness.
The Northeast Corner Halfway between a place of darkness and the source of light.
The Working Tools
The Worshipful Master A symbol and executive officer of the Lodge.