Chapter 4 Exploration in socialist road Topic 1: Major Mass Movements, Sub-Theme 2 Modernization and Transformation of China
Cultural Revolution ended1976 Cultural Revolution began1966 Three Red Banners movement began1958 First Five-Year Plan began1953 Land Reforms began1950EventsYear Time Track Major Mass Movements,
Major mass movements, The dynamic process by which Mao Zedong would give shape to his new society Before 1949, the land of the landlords had been shared out among the peasants In 1950, Mao followed this policy with a Land Reform Law The villagers were classified, encouraged the poor peasants to struggle against the landlords During , land was given to the 300 million landless peasants Land reforms, Coming from the masses, going to the masses
Major Mass Movements, Collectivization 2: Set up lower-stage agricultural producers cooperatives,1953 Profits were shared out among the members according to the amount of land, tools and hours of work they put in Collectivization 1: Set up mutual-aid teams, 1952 Agricultural production was carried out collectively Agricultural collectivization, Collectivization 3: Set up higher-stage agricultural producers cooperatives,1955 Private ownership was abolished Peasants were paid according to how much work was contributed
Major Mass Movements, The General Line for Socialist Construction, 1958 Going all out, aiming high and achieving greater, faster, better and more economical results in building socialism Started during the Second Five-Plan( ), to mobilize people to increase agricultural and industrial output in a short time The Three Red Banners movement The Great Leap Forward, The goal: to mobilize Chinas entire 600 million population to overcome the limitations of economic scarcity Walking on Two Legs: industry and agriculture would be developed together Example: making steel by backyard furnace, aiming to catch up with Britain in steel production within 15 years
Major Mass Movements, Peoples Communes, Super-cooperatives formed by cooperatives Expected to become self-sufficient for most of its needs Formation commune bridge team Life supposed to be lived communally The government tried to persuade people to join communes by a tremendous propaganda campaign The larger number of small factories proved to be inefficient and wasteful Food production slumped, causing severe famine The communes proved to be too large to be run efficiently, causing a lack of initiative of the workers The assessment
Major Mass Movements, The background Maos position was insecure after the failure of the Three Red Banners. He also opposed to the policy of the new leaders He called on and mobilized the masses to be Red Guards to launch the Cultural Revolution The Cultural Revolution, The course On 1 August 1966, Red Guards were formed to struggle against revisionism Everything related to bourgeois customs was condemned In 1971, the coup detat launched by Lin Bao failed, Deng Xiaoping was rehabilitated In 1976, the Gang of Four were arrested, the Cultural Revolution finally ended
Major Mass Movements, The effects Caused great disruption and ruined millions of lives Work stoppages in the factories and the countryside--- the economic and industrial recovery was sacrificed The creation of a generation lacking education The disruption of education and culture The stability of the Chinese government and its leaders was questioned, damaging Chinas international status
The End