1 New Challenges in Microfinance – Raised Expectations
The story so far Fast annual growth of about 45% Total outstanding of over $ 2 billion Over 3 million families have access to financial services A wide variety of institutions as well as operating models Viable business well supported by commercial Banks/regional rural banks Very low defaults with PAR>60 days at 1.77% Operating cost ratio at 15.43% (Asain ratio at 18.7%) with average OSS at 105%
More recent developments New investors interest- Four mf venture funds-Bellwether, Lok capital, Unitus, Aavishkar New equity funds from NABARD/SIDBI Special focus on underserved States The microfinance sector (development & regulation) bill-2007 Increasing competition Coverage of urban poor New national enthusiasm in microfinance platform
Support infrastructure Effective coordination & networking role of Sa-Dhan- a network of about 200 MFIs Two rating institutions of repute Four nurturing/financing institutions for start ups Around 10 capacity building institutions Microfinance now an integral part of rural finance courses in management institutions/universities State level CB institutions in making
The new challenge Andhra crises in 2006 has raised several issues Question behind the basic objective of microfinance. The major issue of reasonable (effective) interest rate Demand for holistic support to clients Objection to the no tolerance policy towards defaults
The new challenge (cont.) Effectiveness of microfinance in poverty reduction Demand for social security cover for clients such as life, health & asset insurance, old age pension etc Demand for micro-enterprise & livelihood support services for MF clients Higher individual loans to mature Mf clients & non poor not served by the formal sector
The challenge of governance Transparency in operations & reporting Ethical practices & better treatment to clients Composition of Board & its ability to lead Family hold on the institutions Weak second line of management Increasing competition Inadequate MIS & internal audit system not compatible with fast growth
HRD challenge No regular supply of trained manpower yet Reliance on adhoc in-house training infrastructure Substantial investment required in building professionals/consultants Development of faculty Absence of books/literature on good practices/indian case studies
Equity challenge No concept of net owned funds Very little promoter/community stake Partnership model/Banking correspondent no good substitute to adequate debt equity ratio Bankers now showing signs of reluctance for large loans for low net worth institutions Proposed legislation unfortunately favour non- corporate community structures
Some other challenges The gender challenge The efficiency challenge The regulatory challenge The technology challenge The livelihood challenge Client education challenge
Conclusion Microfinance gradually melting into national mainstream as a cost effective welfare tool for poor, women, tribals, underserved- much more than a much needed financial service to all those left out by the formal sector