Manager & Supervisor Training How your EAP can help Employee Performance.


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Presentation transcript:

Manager & Supervisor Training How your EAP can help Employee Performance

EAP Overview

EASE / E MPLOYEE A SSISTANCE SE RVICES EASE 24 / 7 Emergency Phone Line Legal and Financial Consultations and Retirement Coaching Legal and Financial Consultations and Retirement Coaching Assessment and Short- Term Counseling Enhanced Childcare and Eldercare Resource and Referral Enhanced Childcare and Eldercare Resource and Referral Information & Referral to Community Resources Problem Resolution Alcohol/Drug Anxiety/Depression Family Issues Eldercare/Geriatric Emotional Issues Grief Alcohol/Drug Anxiety/Depression Family Issues Eldercare/Geriatric Emotional Issues Grief Marital Medical Issues Stress Relationships Workplace Conflict Marital Medical Issues Stress Relationships Workplace Conflict Publicity Materials Management/Supervisor Trainings Management Consultation Performance-Based Referral & Case Management Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Employee Orientations Workplace Seminars and Visibility Events Workplace Seminars and Visibility Events Utilization Reports National Provider Network Nutritional Coaching Smoking Cessation Nutritional Coaching Smoking Cessation

EAP Orientation Video

EAP stands for… Employee Assistance Program but it is also an… Employer Assistance Program

Advantages of an EAP …as a benefit to employees for personal and job-related concerns. …as a resource for managers in supervising employees who express or demonstrate personal/performance-related concerns.

As a manager, you are an Ambassador To encourage To support To promote Your employees use of their EAP

As a manager or supervisor… You are also in theunique position of being able to recognize when a referral is appropriate

90% of Employee calls are VOLUNTARY

Types of Referrals Self / Voluntary Suggested Referral – Supervisor / Manager Encouraged Job Performance-Based Management Referral

Benefits of an Encouraged Referral Demonstrates empathy Saves valuable management time Maintains boundaries Encourages employees to seek help from professionals Reduces liability

Call Human Resources… To clarify policy or decide if there has been a violation of policy. To clarify your rights as a manager and the employees rights. To address any type of verbalized threat, threatening or destructive behavior. To act on a positive drug screen. To use for support or as a resource. Call for a Management Consultation… When an employee exhibits unusual, unexpected, unwarranted behavior. When you have a question about an unusual or suspicious change or activity. To get help from a professional with a clinical background.

Some examples of suggested referrals FMLA - Childcare/Eldercare needs Garnishments (alimony, child support, court order, etc.) –Financial/Legal needs Bereavement Leave –Grief Counseling/Mental Health Services needs Personal Issues –Home conflict –Relationship Issues –Creditors calling

Is employee confidentiality assured? YES! Counselors are bound by state and federal law licensure requirements and professional ethics.

Supervisor and Management Referral Process

Is the service free? YES! Management Referrals are an included benefit. There is no additional cost to the employer for referring an employee. Additionally, the EAP services for the employee are, for the most part, at no additional out-of- pocket cost to them. The exception being when recommendations are made for extended services outside the EAP.

Job Performance-Based Management Referral 1. Supervisor/Manager contacts HR/EASE 2. Manager/HR calls EASE Clinical Manager at for consultation (if necessary) 3. If management referral is warranted, form is completed, reviewed with, and signed by employee 4. Fax EASE Management Referral Form 5. Employee calls EAP

Management Referral Form Communicate clearly and effectively Document if Safety Sensitive or DOT Is this a re-occurring problem? Consequences Contact person Employee reviews documentation (We cannot accept any documentation that has not been shared with the employee.) Employee signs form Give employee hours to contact EASE Fax completed form to EASE intake at

Contact person receives the following information… If the employee contacted the EAP If a recommendation was made to the employee If the employee followed through Attendance, motivation and compliance If the EAP recommendation necessitates a change in the employees work schedule (e.g. hospitalization) Monthly report (attendance, motivation, compliance)

Compliant does NOT = Cured

Degrees of Compliance What Compliance does mean…. What Compliance does not mean…

Addressing Performance Issues

Step 1 - Recognition Acknowledge the existence of a problem Gather information Have these behaviors affected performance, productivity, safety? If so, how?

Barriers to addressing a problem Fear of damaging relationship Reluctance to confront a good worker Misguided sense of responsibility Fear of negative impact Hope it will go away

Why should you get involved? SAFETY Attendance, productivity and morale Early intervention, simpler solutions To demonstrate personal concern To minimize personal / economic cost To provide feedback and constructive problem solving To assume responsibility for monitoring performance

Checklist Absenteeism On the job absenteeism High accident rate Difficulty concentrating Confusion Spasmodic work patterns Reporting to work in an abnormal condition Lowered job efficiency Poor employee relations Appearance

Step 2 - Documentation What happened? When? Who? Outcome?

Documentation Helps prevent your word against mine. Allows you to let the record speak for itself. Helps supervisor recognize a pattern of problem behavior. Increases confidence in confronting the employee.

What is Effective Documentation? Joe Employee (JE) is always late to work. Ive talked with JE a couple of times and even wrote him up, but nothing has changed. This is affecting his work performance.

What is Effective Documentation? Joe Employee (JE) began a pattern of tardiness on May 5, This resulted in several verbal warnings and a written warning on June 18, JEs work has declined in quality, with several instances of mistakes; The most significant of these being incorrect statistics in a document prepared for a presentation on June 10, Furthermore, JE has been inattentive and has even been seen sleeping during a meeting, on June 15, 2008; and at his desk during work hours on the following dates: May 23, June 1, June 17 and July 5, On July 10, 2008, JE did not show up at work and failed to follow the proper call-off procedure. Both myself, as JEs manager, and the HR Director phoned JEs home and cell phone number. Neither of myself, nor the HR Director were able to contact JE. At approximately 9:00 am, the HR Director telephoned JEs emergency contact as listed in his employee file.

Addressing concerns Before the meeting… Document specific performance problems Get assistance from Human Resources and EASE (if necessary) Recognize and set aside personal feelings Define expectations for improvement

When Confronting Employee Consider if you need a witness Do try to remain calm Do express concern and caring Do be patient Do expect employee to defend

Addressing concerns cont… During the meeting… Start with something positive – Sandwich technique Stick to the facts and avoid accusations Clarify job expectations Explain specific improvements Set up time frame/action plan Offer Work as an option, or requirement Clarify consequences of continued poor performance End with something positive – Sandwich technique

Intervention Interview Guidelines DOs Assure the employee of the confidentiality of the process. Recognize that an employees willingness or unwillingness to accept the EAP referral cannot be the basis for disciplinary action. (Likewise, attendance at the EAP is not a basis for continued employment.) ALL EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS SHOULD BE PERFORMANCE BASED.

Intervention Interview Guidelines Donts Do not counsel the employee on health or personal problems Do not attempt to diagnose the problem Do not discuss drinking or drug use (unless as it relates to company policy) Do not discuss the employees performance problem with anyone except Human Resources, your manager and the EAP professional

Addressing concerns cont… After the meeting… Follow through with identified consequences of continued poor performance Reinforce improvements Avoid enabling Monitor on-going performance

Supervisors ENABLE when they… Lower standards and expectations Ignore or minimize problems Bend rules, make allowances, or accept excuses Rationalize – Theyve been under pressure lately Cover up or do their work Sympathize or feel sorry

How do I access the EAP? Call Human Resources Call intake department for appointment or other For Management Consultations, call EASE Clinical Manager For more info, go to (This is a password protected site.)

Case Studies 1.Susie Employee (SE) was seen sleeping in her car when she was supposed to be on a sales call. What should SEs manager do? 2. Joe Employee (JE) seemed really angry when he came into work; he slammed doors and was extremely gruff with several co- workers. Although what he was saying couldnt be clearly understood, JE was observed talking to himself in an aggravated manner. What should JEs manager do? 3.Mary Employee (ME) was seen with an open bottle of Vodka in her car. When an passing co-worker asked ME if it actually was a bottle of Vodka, ME threw the bottle onto the pavement, breaking glass everywhere and dissipating the liquid in the bottle. The employee who had approached ME told MEs supervisor that the liquid smelled like alcohol when the bottle smashed. What should MEs manager do? 4.Rumor has it Bill Employee (BE) is going through a nasty divorce. As BEs manager, you really havent noticed a change in his work, although BEs co-workers have been talking a lot about his situation. What should BEs manager do?