The Korean War: 1950-1953
Fast Facts UN/Allied Forces Roughly 150,000 foreign servicemen 3,360 killed 11,886 wounded 1,801 MIA 1,376 POW British Commonwealth, Belgium, Luxembourg, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Holland, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey
Background 1945: USSR invaded Korea to root out Japanese U.S. responded by landing troops in south Uneasy agreement reached- 38th parallel divided Korea Kim Il Sung organized Comm. gov’t in N U.S. backed Syngman Rhee in South – Rep. of Korea By 1950- U.S. supported South, Soviets the North
Armed Conflict Begins North Korea crossed 38th, June 25, 1950 UN Security condemned invasion Soviets absent- 6 months earlier left council in protest Truman attached U.S. forces to Korea- never officially a ‘war’- only a ‘police action’ Truman reaction was not surprising (Truman Doctrine) but outside of assumed reaction 1948: U.S. gradually w/drew troops from Korea Dean Acheson, Sec of State claimed Korea was outside of U.S. defense perimeter
Why did U.S. Intervene Tense Cold War Politics U.S.S.R. atomic ready- 1949 U.S.S.R. intimidation of Turkey & Greece ‘NSC 68’: analysis recommended heavy increase in military spending to offset Soviets 1949- Communist China came to power Truman criticized for ‘losing’ China 1950 McCarthyism- Truman criticized for being to soft on Communism Korea may be lost- can’t ‘lose’ another country in Asia Fear Soviet & China sphere of Communism