Outsourced Applications and Hosting Dr Richard M Marshall Technical Director Rapid Mobile Media Ltd June 7, 2004
Why outsource hosting? Because the client: Is unable to do it themselves Does not want to do it Or: You can do it better You can do it cheaper Knowing this is key to your relationship - and know the limits.
Hosting Cuts Comms Moving out an application cuts many different lines of communication: Architectural Data Network Security Management Works best for self-contained, stable systems.
Agree SLA Service is king - not engineering: Focus on continuity, not fixes Metrics - focus on what matters to the client Business-driven agreements, not technology Agreed up front, with the right investment Understand how important the system is: Critical - 24/7 monitoring and support Important - business hours support It can wait - response
Integrate Business Process Business processes must be adapted: Operations Management Planning It is all about: Co-operation Consistency Control Especially in multi-vendor sites.
Summary Understand the clients objectives Cut through the least lines of communication Ensure efficient management structures Agree and write down service levels Focus on service delivery, not engineering Ensure the client includes you in their processes