The CHE’s Accreditation Criteria QA Forum: Professional bodies February 2012
Accreditation processes New programmes across HE sector, re- accreditation of programmes in private sector. New sites of delivery, change of mode. Volume: depends; usually about 400 processes per year. Provider-offerings, not generics
On-line system for applications and processing Principle of peer evaluation Multiple checks and balances: –Checklisting –Evaluation –Recommendations –Accreditation Committee scrutiny –HEQC
Evaluators: nominated by sector, database of 1500 subject specialists, training Accreditation Committee – 20 experts, 5- 6X per year, 2 days at a time – can consider up to 100 programmes/processes in one meeting. Recommends outcomes to next committee – HEQC. Or defers, or requests site visit
Site visits When a committee requests it, in fulfilment of conditions set, where there are complaints, where evaluators suggest it as in re-accreditation process. In new framework will be mandatory for new institutions.
Outcomes Provisionally Accredited – then to DHET and SAQA for registration. Provisional Accreditation with conditions – conditions monitored. 3 types. Not accredited. Representation in 21 days, re-evaluated, goes through process.
2. Documents, criteria Applications are made on system, Upload all relevant documents e.g. modules, budgets, policies Form follows criteria used. 19 criteria: new programmes use 1-9. Each has minimum standards (about 10).
Criteria 1. Programme design 2. Admissions 3.and 4. Staffing 5. Teaching and learning strategy 6. Student assessment 7. Infrastructure and library resources 8. Administrative services 9. Postgraduate policies, procedures etc.
Criterion 1 Programme design – The programme is consonant with the institution’s mission, forms part of institutional planning and resource allocation, meets national requirements, the needs of students and other stakeholders, and is intellectually credible. It is designed coherently and articulates well with other relevant programmes, where possible.
Criterion 2 Student recruitment, admission and selection: Recruitment documentation informs students of the programme accurately and sufficiently and admission adheres to current legislation. Admission and selection of students are commensurate with the programme’s academic requirements, within a framework of widened access and equity…
Criterion 3 Staffing: Academic staff responsible for the programme are suitably qualified and have sufficient relevant experience and teaching competence, and their assessment competence and research profile are adequate for the nature and level of the programme… opportunities for staff development. i. one level higher, recognised HE institutions
Criterion 4 Staffing: The academic and support staff complement is of sufficient size and seniority for the nature and field of the programme and the size of the student body… the ratio of full-time to part-time staff is appropriate… Iv. Exposure to diversity of ideas, styles and approaches.
Criterion 5 Teaching and learning strategy: the institution gives recognition to the importance of promoting student learning. The T &L strategy is appropriate for the institutional type, mode(s) of delivery, and student composition, contains mechanisms to ensure the appropriateness of teaching and learning methods…
Criterion 6 Assessment: the different modes of the programme have appropriate policies and procedures for internal assessment; internal and external moderation, monitoring of student progress; explicitness validity and reliability of assessment ….
Criterion 7 Infrastructure and library resources: suitable and sufficient venues, IT infrastructure and library resources… iii complement the curriculum, self-study.
Criterion 8 Programme administrative services: Iii integrity of certification
Challenges Provider programme – professional body expectations -Evaluator knowledge of professional body reqts Generics? Registration? WIL HEQF – not quite settled yet… Implementation – 8050 total, 4000 As, 1550 Bs, 2500 Cs.
Criterion 9 Postgraduate programmes have appropriate policies, procedures and regulations for the admission and selection of students, the selection and appointment of supervisors, and the definition of the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and students. 10 – an academic is programme coordinator…