PETA Do they take it too far? By: Ross Blackwell
McDonalds Unhappy Meals In June of 2009 PETA supporters sat outside of about a dozen McDonalds restaurants across the country and handed out unhappy meals. These meals contained a bloody rubber chicken, a cutout of a knife-wielding Ronald McDonald, photos of mutilated animals and a Chicken McCruelty T-shirt.
Fly Killin During an interview President Obama was annoyed by a fly, swatted and killed it. In result PETA sent him a humane bug catcher. watch?v=5rb UH_iVjYw
All-Meat Dress Lady Gagas appearance on MTVs VMA awards wearing an all meat dress. Lets just say they didnt agree with it at all.
Vegan Delight This year for Thanksgiving they handed out Tofurkeys which are a vegan option to turkeys.
Does PETA take it too far???? Of course not extreme measures like immoral naked ads are always necessary!