The 5 E Instructional Model A Framework for Inquiry-Based Instruction This powerpoint was originally made by former Earth Central staff member, Tarin Weiss, who didn’t join us this summer because she got a full time assistant professor’s job at Westfield State. I have adapted it for our use this year. Actually, they forced me to do it. And while indeed I was an English teacher for 30 years, the art of teaching doesn’t vary much from one discipline to another.
Process Skills of Science Science Content Concepts of Science Process Skills of Science So you all know that we can’t just take everything to know about science and just plunk into our kids head. We make decisions every day: What am I going to teach, how am I going to teach it, and how will I know my students know it. Sometimes teachers lose sight of that – what am I going to teach? Uh, a video on deciduous trees. But you – as a dedicated group of science teachers, some veterans, some fresh out of college, know that teaching science isn’t just about textbooks and tests – an approach that will only benefit thirty percent of your students. You know that you have to get the students involved, to capture their interests, and then get that info into their skulls. It’s a balance of concepts and skills…. Not unlike teaching English, except, without the chemicals and fetal pigs. Oh, and the math. So here is a list of process skills that are essential in science.
Science Process Skills Observing Communicating – writing objectively Classifying Measuring Relating objects in space & time Predicting Inferring Controlling variables Defining operationally Experimenting Notice on level two – the writing part. As an English teacher who worked closely with a science teacher, I actually taught my students how to write objective observations. You know, they had to write in the third person, remember what that is? use a lot of nouns and adjectives, refrain from using opinions and prior knowledge… to observe in detail is a skill a lot of them simply have never been taught: if you don’t teach it, then expect to get lab reports that say things like, “I like looking at the moon. I am afraid of the dark…etc. You are familiar with Bloom’s taxonomy – what is it again? It’s one of those concepts tossed around in ed courses at college – later on, most of us just remember that it has to do with the level of understanding – from the thin literal level to the concrete level and finally to the analytical level. A learning theory that is still being used in education courses all over the country.
Here is is – just a quick refresher before we get into the 5 E’s.
Elicit Engage Evaluate Explore 5 E’s Science Lesson Extend Elaborate The 5 E's is an instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning, which says that learners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas. The 5 E's can be used with students of all ages, including adults. Constructivism is a learning strategy that draws on students' existing knowledge, beliefs, and skills. With a constructivist approach, students synthesize new understanding from prior learning and new information. The constructivist teacher sets up problems and monitors student exploration, guides student inquiry, and promotes new patterns of thinking. Working mostly with raw data, primary sources, and interactive material, constructivist teaching asks students to work with their own data and learn to direct their own explorations. Ultimately, students begin to think of learning as accumulated, evolving knowledge. Constructivist approaches work well with learners of all ages, including adults. Recently, two more E’s have been added to the model. Elicit was added to the Engage part which adds the important step of accessing students’ prior knowledge. This is an important part of getting kids ready to learn. And “extend” was added to the elaborate component as a way to get kids to transfer some of their knowledge into other learning opportunities. This important part is how students will ultimately connect their learning in science to the world, starting with other school subjects, and beyond that to the working world. We need to show our students how the concept or skills is practical or useful in real life. That’s why the “extend” was added. Notice that the arrows go back and forth in this model, of course indicating that learning is a cycle not a linear list of steps. Extend Elaborate Explain
Engage Activity which will focus student’s attention, stimulate their thinking, and access prior knowledge. Demonstration Reading Free Write Analyze a Graphic Organizer KWL (Know already ~ Want to know ~ Learn) This is the “elicit” part Brainstorming Student asks questions such as: Why did this happen? What do I already know about this? What have I found out about this? Shows interest in the topic.
Explore Activity which gives students time to think and investigate/test/make decisions/problem solve, and collect information. Perform an Investigation Read Authentic Resources to Collect Information Solve a Problem Construct a Model
Explain Activity which allows students to analyze their exploration. Student’s understanding is clarified and modified through a reflective activity. Student Analysis & Explanation Supporting Ideas with Evidence Structured Questioning Reading and Discussion Teacher Explanation Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, error analysis
Elaborate Activity which expands and solidifies student thinking and/or applies it to a real-world situation. Problem Solving Decision Making Experimental Inquiry Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, apply
Evaluate Activity which allows the teacher to assess student performance and/or understandings of concepts, skills, processes, and applications. Any of the Previous Activities Develop a Scoring Tool or Rubric Performance Assessment Produce a Product Journal Entry Portfolio And remember that we are adding the “extend” part of the 5E model by helping the students make connections to other learning. Extend
Types of Questions Attention Focusing: Have you seen? Do you notice? Measuring & Counting: How many? How long? Comparison (for sharper observation): In how many ways are your seeds alike and how do they differ? Action: What happens if… you place your pill bug in damp sand? …you pinch the seedleaves off a young plant? Problem-posing (more sophisticated, follows exploration & understanding, not a good first question): Can you find a way to… make your plant grow sideways? Can you separate salt from water? Can you make a sinking object float?
Engage Evaluate Explore 5 E’s Science Lesson Elaborate Explain Attention-focusing questions Have you seen? Engage Do you notice? Measuring & Counting and Comparison Questions How many? How long? Evaluate Explore In how many ways? 5 E’s Science Lesson Action & Problem- Solving Questions Elaborate Explain What happens if… Can you find a way to…
Earth Central Activities & 5Es Introductory PowerPoint about our institute by Richard. GPS Practice Solar Challenge Making geological maps Curriculum Work Forum Interactions (online) Engage/Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate/Expand
References Montgomery Public Schools Eisencraft, Arther, “Expanding the 5-C Model,” “The Science Teacher”, Vol.70, 2003, National Science Teacher Association Harlen, W. (1985) Primary Science: Taking the Plunge Trowbridge, L. W., Bybee, R. W., & Powell, J. C. (2000). Teaching secondary school science: Strategies for developing scientific literacy Weiss, Tarin, Former STEM Staff Member