Lektion 5 / Læsning: Hjarvard, S. (2001): “Simulated Conversations. The Simulation of Interpersonal Communication in Electronic Media”. (OK) Goffmann, E. (1959): “Regions and Region Behavior”, (OK) Meyrowitz, J. (1985): “Media, Situations, and Behavior”. (OK) Foreslået læsning: Baym, Nancy (2006). Interpersonal Life Online". (OK) Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 / Emne: Interpersonel medieret kommunikation – offentlige og private rum Gæstelærer Troels Fibæk Bertel
Dagens temaer 1.Om sidste lektion 2.Opsamling på lektion 3: Adaption, domesticering og sociale konsekvenser 3.Oplæg v/ Troels Fibæk Bertel: Interpersonel medieret kommunikation – offentlige og private rum 4.Øvelser 3 Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Lektion Metoder til forskning i medier og kommunikation 1.Introduktionslektion – rimelig eller ej? 2.Forskel på kvantitative og kvalitative metoder hhv kombination af metoder (slides ) 3.What, why and how - hvad er vigtigst? (slides 7-8) 4.Anvendelse af metoder i eksamensprojekt Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Revolution eller evolution? (R)Evolution - Utopi, dystopi, banalitet ”Habits change, but sometimes they change Slowly” (Haddon p.315) Continuities between media The social shaping of media – adoption (and development) of new ICTs takes place against a backdrop of pre-existing techniques. Three different types of continuities Continuities in communications related to specific events (from postcards to ) Continuities from more routine practices (mobile phone instead of fixed line) Continuities from previous practicies not considered in the past as communication (”hanging out” online) (Haddon 2005 – se lektionsplan) 5 Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Case: Personal media in everyday life ”The object of study changes” ”…current domestication studies would be different from early ones” ”… the more obvious research direction is to follow the pattern illustrated by the mobile phone research. … Or if the focus is less around the material objects …, then we might consider the domestication of electronic communication, or of social networking sites”. (Haddon p ) Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Case: Personal media in everyday life Helles’ fokus: ”The relationship between interpersonal communication and everyday life” (p.335) ”The technological mediation of interpersonal communication allows human agents to exercise trans-situational agency. (p.336) Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Case: Personal media in everyday life ”Trans-situational agency involves new degrees of freedom in the management of everyday communication…” ”The conduct of everyday life can be understood as the logic that we apply in order to make the various parts of our everyday life fit together” (Helles p.337) Fire indsigter Adgang siger i sig selv ikke noget om, hvordan og hvor meget Diffusionsprocessen er langsommere end ofte antaget Alder er af betydning Man må se på kohorter og på dynamiske fænomener Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Case: Personal media in everyday life A typology of everyday life with personal media The situational type – the gourmands of personal media The traditional type – everyday logic follow a cyclical model, use of personal media entirely for ”ritual” forms of communication Rules and control according to segregation of time zones. The strategic type – strategic separation of different everyday activities, very active and engaged, a-synchronic communication preferred. In process of changing media habits → reflexivity Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /
Diffusion of innovations Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 / Rogers, E. (2003, 5 th ed.): “Innovativeness and Adopter Categories”, Chapter 7 in Diffusion of Innovations. NY: Free Press.
Næste lektion 6-7 / Online fællesskaber og netværksteori Gitte Stald Læsning: Baym, N. (2010): “Communities and Networks”, (OK) Granovetter, M. (1973): “The Strenght of Weak Ties”. (O) O’Reilly, T. (2005):” Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On” Castells, M. (2007): “Conclusion: The Mobile Network Society”. (OK) Mobile medier og digital interaktion – følelsen af tilstedeværelse og nærhed Rich Ling / Gitte Stald Læsning: Ling, Rich (2008): “The Recalibaration of Social Cohesion”. (OK) Gergen, K.J. (2002): ”The Challenge of the Absent Presence”. (OK) Stald, G. (2007): “Mobile Identity: Youth, Identity, and Mobile Communication Media”. (OK) Medier og kommunikation / Lektion 5 /