Specialty Lubrication Product Line
Lubrication Products Worldwide leader in lubrication products and services HEAVY DUTY GREASES TYPE PRODUCT GRADE THICKENER TEMPERATURE RANGE ºC DROPPING POINT APPLICATION CONTINUOUS INTERMITTENT General Purpose Heavy-duty Bearing Grease Premalube NLGI 2 Aluminum Complex -18 to +135 -18 to +204 +260 Multi-purpose, extreme pressure grease for high heat and wet applications General Purpose Heavy-duty Bearing Grease Premalube Red NLGI 2 Aluminum Complex -18 to +135 -18 to +204 +260 Multi-purpose, extreme pressure grease for all bearing applications including automotive wheel bearings Water-resistant Food-grade Grease Premalube Food NLGI 2 Aluminum Complex -18 to +135 -18 to +204 +260 Multi-purpose water-resistant food industry grease MISCELLANEOUS LUBRICANTS TYPE PRODUCT APPLICATION OILS Aerosol Open Gear Lube GG-10 Plus Heavy-duty extreme pressure open lube. Convenient aerosol application Case Study – Healthcare Open Gear Grease Hi-Gear 20/20 TYPE PRODUCT GRADE Synthetic EP open gear grease. Highly water-resistant APPLICATION Heavy-duty Gear Oils Certop Certop 80w-90 85w-140 Oil Flushing System Purge Multi-grade gear oil, suitable industrial and automotive use Advanced technology flushing oil suitable for all types of equipment and vehicles Gear Oil with Improver Gear Up Multi Premium EP gear oil improver CHAIN + CABLE Food-grade Gear and Chain Oil Certop FG 90 (ISO 220) Synthetic food-grade gear and chain oil TYPE PRODUCT TEMPERATURE RANGE ºC APPLICATION Aerosol Chain / Cable Lube CC-93 Up to 100 Penetrates to wire rope core. Effectively lubricates chains without sling off HYDRAULIC OILS Aerosol Chain / Cable Lube CC-93 Clear Up to 100 Clear no-mess formula, penetrates to lubricate and protect wire ropes and chains TYPE PRODUCT GRADE APPLICATION Bulk Chain / Cable Lube Innerlube Clear Up to 100 Bulk version of CC-93 Clear Multi-grade Hydraulic Oil Hi-Top Multi Multi-grade hydraulic oil suitable for ISO 46, 68, 100 applications. Contains demulsifiers, leak inhibitors and seal conditioners Single-grade Hydraulic Oils Hi-Top 32 Hi-Top 46 Hi-Top 68 Hi-Top 100 ISO 32 ISO 46 ISO 68 ISO 100 Heavy-duty single-weight hydraulic oils containing active demulsifiers, seal conditioners and leak inhibitors. High oxidation resistance for longer life RELEASE + PENETRATING LUBRICANTS TYPE PRODUCT TEMPERATURE RANGE ºC APPLICATION Universal Tractor Fluid + Hydraulic Oil Improver Lubra-Torque Multi Formulated for use in hydrostatic transmissions, PTO, wet brakes, power steering assemblies and all types of hydraulic equipment using mineral oil Aerosol Penetrant Pentron Penetrates and frees oxidised metal parts Aerosol Silicon Release Agent + Lubricant PS-70 Extra -21 to +260 Nonflammable, colourless non-staining formula. Excellent mold release agent and light lubricant Aerosol Dry Moly Lubricant Dri-Gard Plus -73 to +349 Spray-on moly film. Dries fast to leave a thin black friction resistant surface coating, leaves no residue to attract dust and dirt METAL-WORKING COOLANTS COMPRESSOR OILS TYPE PRODUCT APPLICATION TODAY TYPE PRODUCT GRADE APPLICATION Aerosol Metal-working / Cutting Fluid Notch Extreme pressure cutting fluid and coolant. Transparent formula ideal for all forms of cutting, threading, tapping, drilling and manual pipe threading Multi-grade Compressor Oils Comp-Star 5w-20 10w-50 Multi-grade synthetic technology compressor oil for rotary screw, vane and reciprocating type compressors Bulk Synthetic Coolant King Kool Water-soluble coolant. 100% synthetic giving longer life and lower temperatures than oil-based coolants FUEL TREATMENT TYPE PRODUCT APPLICATION Diesel Fuel Improver with Biocide Road Runner Plus Fuel treatment for stationary and mobile diesel plant. Effectively kills all forms of common microbes and biological growth. Cleans injectors and lubricates fuel line components, boosts cetane levels ASSOCIATED COSTS