College Planning
Identify Important Factors in Choosing a College In choosing a college, the first things you'll probably consider will be the type of academic program and the availability of the major—or majors—you are most interested in. Here are some other things to think about as you compare colleges. How you rank these other factors will depend largely on your personal preferences and needs. Number your top five factors by importance below.
Choosing a College Choosing a college is one of the toughest choices you'll make in high school. Each of these articles offers some great tips for choosing a college. Identify important factors in choosing a college A list of things to consider when evaluating and comparing colleges. Think about your reasons for going to college People go to college for different reasons. How do your reasons for wanting to attend college affect your college planning? List, compare, and visit colleges It's time to narrow down your list of possible colleges. Use ACT's online College Search to collect information about colleges that might meet most of your needs. Questions to ask on a campus visit A list of questions to ask on a campus visit. Make final decisions It's time to decide which college you'll attend.
Factors to consider Location Size distance from home enrollment Environment type of school (2-year or 4-year) school setting (urban, rural) location and size of nearest city co-ed, male, female religious affiliation Size enrollment physical size of campus Admission requirements deadline(s) test(s) required average test scores, GPA, rank special requirements Academics majors offered special requirements accreditation—recognized by regional or national accrediting bodies as meeting its objectives student-faculty ratio typical class size College expenses tuition, room and board estimated total budget application fee, deposits
Factors to consider Financial aid deadline(s) required forms % of student population receiving aid scholarships part-time employment opportunities Facilities academic recreational other Activities clubs, organizations sororities/fraternities athletics, intramurals Other Campus visits when to visit special opportunities Housing residence hall requirements availability types and sizes food plans
Key concepts Open admissions is some colleges' policy of admitting virtually all high school graduates, regardless of academic qualifications such as high school grades and admission test scores. GPA is computed by multiplying the number of grade points earned in each course (generally, A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) by the number of course/credit hours, then dividing the sum by the total number of course/credit hours taken. Class rank is a rating that compares your cumulative GPA to those of others in your class. Class rank is often used as a college admissions and scholarship standard.
College Entrance Requirements High school academic performance Your high school grade point average (GPA), class rank, and the types of classes you take are obvious starting points. If you're a high school freshman or sophomore, keep in mind that the grades you're earning now will affect your overall GPA just as much as your later grades will. Don't wait to start buckling down! Although a good GPA is important, don't believe the GPA myth and take easy classes just to pad your GPA. Most colleges require completion of certain high school courses for admission. Make sure you are taking the right courses so you'll be considered for admission to the school of your choice. Related information Recommended college prep courses
College Entrance Requirements Standardized test scores Because grades may not tell the whole story about your academic ability, nearly all colleges will also ask you to submit scores from a national standardized test. The ACT test is one of two national exams used for this purpose. Your ACT composite score, together with your high school grades, indicates how prepared you are for college. In addition, the scores from the various sections of the ACT will help your college place you in the right classes, matching your skills with course requirements. The ACT is accepted or preferred by more colleges and universities—including all of the Ivy League colleges—than any other entrance exam. Admission essay, interview, or other requirements Particular colleges may have additional entrance requirements such as admission essays or interviews. These additional requirements help colleges decide how likely you are to fit into their campus community and to succeed in their academic program.
Questions to ask when on campus What activities and services are available to help students get settled (academically and socially) during their first year? How big are the classes? (Ask students) How easy is it to meet with faculty? (Ask students) Are you able to register for the classes you want? What is the total cost of attending the college? What types of financial aid does the college offer and how do I apply? Are all freshmen assigned to an academic advisor? Where do most freshmen live? Can I take a tour? What activities are available for students? Who teaches the courses for first-year students? How successful are the college's graduates in finding jobs? What services (such as transportation and shopping) are available locally? What is there to do on weekends? Do most students stay or leave campus on weekends?
College Planning Checklist Freshman Year Find out how to make the most of high school Plan challenging high school courses Find out why you should go to college Become familiar with college entrance requirements Take EXPLORE®—a set of four tests that measure academic achievement; EXPLORE results can be a benchmark before taking PLAN® and the ACT® test Review EXPLORE results with your parents and school counselor Start thinking about reasons for attending college Join/continue extracurricular activities Attend summer camp at a college to experience a college-like atmosphere Research college costs Continue/start saving for college Meet with your college/career counselor at least once a year Explore careers on the Internet by visiting ACT's free interactive World-of-Work Map
College Planning Checklist Sophomore Year Continue to take and plan challenging high school courses Continue to meet with your college/career counselor at least once a year or by visiting ACT's free interactive World-of-Work Map Think about what kind of education/training different careers require Take PLAN® Review PLAN results with your parents and school counselor; compare these to your EXPLORE® results to measure growth Start collecting college information Check out ACT's free college search Visit colleges and talk with college students Be ready with a list of questions to ask on your campus visit Use this list of college characteristics to decide how to evaluate different colleges Begin filling out the college comparison worksheet (PDF; 1 page) Continue/start saving for college Consider your reasons for going to college and how they relate to your career interests Join/continue extracurricular activities
College Planning Checklist Junior Year Keep meeting with your college/career counselor at least once a year Continue to take and plan challenging courses Keep your grades up Join an academic club Register for the ACT. You should be academically ready to take it by spring. If not, take it early in your senior year. Read our key information about the ACT test Talk with your parents and high school counselor about colleges that interest you Prepare a list of questions to ask on campus visits Continue to visit colleges and talk with college students List, compare, and visit colleges Start or update an academic resume Consider putting together a portfolio that highlights your special skills and talents Keep filling out the college comparison worksheet (PDF; 1 page, 64KB) Check into applying to colleges online Investigate scholarship opportunities Volunteer for activities and clubs related to career interests Get a part-time job, apprenticeship, or internship; or job shadow in a profession that interests you
College Planning Checklist Senior Year Senior year is finally here, and it's full of things to do to get ready for college. Use this senior year checklist to keep track of your progress and upcoming deadlines for testing, admissions and financial aid. August Sign up for the ACT (if you didn't take it as a junior, or if you aren't satisfied with your score, or if you've learned a lot since you first took it.) Review ACT test results and retest if necessary
August – December Visit with your school counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate and fulfill college admission requirements Consider taking courses at a local university or community college Keep working hard all year; second semester grades can affect scholarship eligibility Ask for personal references from teachers, school counselors, or employers early in the year or at least two weeks before application deadlines. Follow your school's procedure for requesting recommendations. Visit with admissions counselors who come to your high school Attend a college fair Begin your college essay(s) Apply for admission at the colleges you've chosen Avoid common college application mistakes Find out if you qualify for scholarships at each college you have applied to Start the financial aid application process See your school counselor for help finding financial aid and scholarships
January – May If you need it, get help completing the FAFSA Ask your guidance office in January to send first semester transcripts to schools where you applied. In May, they will need to send final transcripts to the college you will attend. Visit colleges that have invited you to enroll Decide which college to attend, and notify the school of your decision Keep track of and observe deadlines for sending in all required fees and paperwork Notify schools you will not attend of your decision Continue to look for scholarship opportunities Keep track of important financial aid and scholarship deadlines Watch the mail for your Student Aid Report (SAR)—it should arrive four weeks after the FAFSA is filed Compare financial aid packages from different schools Sign and send in a promissory note if you are borrowing money Notify your college about any outside scholarships you received