Defence R&D Canada R et D pour la défense Canada Major Events Coordinated Security Solutions Public Security Science and Technology Symposium bridging the gap between S&T producers and users… 16 June 2009
2 Project Overview and Status MECSS Objectives Primary: –Assist the functional authorities in reducing the security risk associated with V2010 through the coordinated application of Science and Technology. Secondary: –Contribute to the establishment of an enduring Major Event security architecture that can be applied to future Major Events in Canada. Managed as a project under the Public Security Technical Program within Centre for Security Science
3 MECSS Model Operationalizing S&T Investment Public Safety Canada SA National Science and Technology Community Privy Council Office Exercises/CI/CBRNE JTF(G) BC IPS V2010 ISU RCMP Major Events SA S&T Source Industry International S&T Academia Centres of Excellence Federal Labs S&T Clusters MECSS G8 ISU SA Security Partners Federal Regional
4 What is S&T providing? Enabling security partners through: –Decision Support –Exercise Support –Reachback –Deployed Operational Capabilities
5 IMPACT Vehicle/Pedestrian Screening CBRNE Critical Infrastructure Exercises Command and Control
6 Marine Force Protection Diver Detection Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD) Shift Scheduling Modeling to support mobilization plan
7 S&T Readiness for GOLD/Games (CBRNE) Science Town Common Structure for Vancouver and Whistler Area Commands EC Chem Sci Advisor Theater Command Centre (ISU) Area Command Centre CBRNE OIC OIC National CBRNE RT Chem mobile lab & analysts Special Operations Command Centre Other RCMP Tactical Teams OICs PHAC Bio Sci Advisor HC RN Sci Advisor RCMP support Explosives Forensics CBRNE Tactical Teams RN mobile lab & analysts Bio mobile lab &analysts CBRNE Coordination Cell (within or near TCC) Staging Areas: 1.Vancouver 2. Whistler (combination of existing labs and mobile labs) CJIRU DRDC Ottawa deployed DRDC Suffield deployed DGNS DRDC
8 Reusable Major Events Security Framework Reusable Framework is now identified as DRDC investment priority; Champion: RCMP (with MECSS multi-agency governance for development) Framework will borrow heavily from existing portfolios and best practices. Key elements include: –Capability planning/development; –Integrated whole of govt planning process; and –Institutionalization of S&T structure.
9 Summary: Major Events Security Framework Overarching guide to Major Events Security Management Provides standardized planning process –Contextualized with major event security scenarios Leveraging the scenarios of CSS Ensures control of strategic & operational planning Enables strategic goals to be translated to operational level security objectives and mapping to capability requirements Enables leadership to guide development of the plan, and to synchronize & integrate joint operational security functions Maximizes effective and efficient use of resources
10 Major Events Security Framework - Concept (A Forum to manage integrated planning and capability development) ) Major Event Security Architecture………. Academic & Scientific Input Best Practices High Level Task AnalysisPolicy Alignment Organizational Integration Technology Planning Applied CapabilitiesTasksScenarios
11 ME Security Framework Development Three Statements of Work under development: 1.Options Analysis to support Framework design. $40K 2.Design the Framework. $200K 3.Build and Deliver the Framework $400K
12 G8 Proposal The G8 offers the opportunity to validate certain MECSS outcomes; As identified by the RCMP and the ISU, there is a need to facilitate the transfer of new S&T generated knowledge, from the V2010 to the G8 domain; It is not within the scope of MECSS to generate new work in support of the G8. MECSS will support the establishment of a Scientific Advisor within the G8 Integrated Security Unit, to: –Manage the validation of new knowledge generated through MECSS activity in support of V2010 security; and –Facilitate the transfer of this new knowledge into the G8 planning process, and further into the longer term reusable Major Events framework.
13 Questions?