European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal European e-Justice Portal « Justice at a click » TRAFUT.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal European e-Justice Portal « Justice at a click » TRAFUT – Training for the Future Ljubljana, November 2011 Philippe Vlérick European Commission, DG Justice

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Agenda 1.Introduction 2.European e-Justice 3.European e-Justice Portal 4.Interconnection Projects 5.Challenges & Recommendations

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Introduction

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal European e-Justice Use of ICT at the service of judicial systems  Simplify procedures  Improve access to justice  Reduce costs

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal European e-Justice

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal European e-Justice Portal The Portal aims at…  Be a one stop shop for justice matters  Interconnect existing national justice applications  Re-use and link to existing information  Serve diverse stakeholders at EU level

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal European e-Justice Portal But does NOT aim at…  Replace existing national solutions  Centralise more than necessary  Replace or modify existing offline procedures and practices

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal General Philosophy Single point of e-Services Step by step approach Multilingual from day one Decentralised as much as possible Ambitious!

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Release 1 – 16th of July 2010 Information pages on 27 Member States  Available in 22 languages Dynamic forms for civil instruments Content Management System  Update of content  Notifications to registered users

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Release 2 – In the coming weeks Redesigned homepage & user interface New online forms Victims’ and Defendants’ rights factsheets IDOL 7 search engine integrated

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Interconnection Projects Insolvency Registers Find a Lawyer Find a Notary European Case Law Identifier (ECLI)

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Challenges & Recommendations Harmonised data set Data protection Interoperability Translation (to be kept in mind)

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Thank you for your attention Want to know more?  Register on the portal to receive notifications

European Commission Justice 25/11/2011| ‹#› European e-Justice Portal Any questions?

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