Introduction to English for Non- English Department Student
Biography Name : Nanik Sri Rahmini Address: Sukoyoso, RT 1/RW 1 Kramatan, Wonosobo Marital status: Married with 1 daughter Educational Background: -Undergraduate : Yogyakarta State University -Graduate Training: University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA Work Background: : Perguruan Cikini, Jakarta : SMK Kepil Wonosobo present: SMKN 2 Wonosobo Present: University of Qoranic Science -FBS & Fakultas Teknik Contact s:
Rules of the Class 1. Using mixed English & Bahasa for the entire class/100% English? 2. No sandals/slippers 3. No T-shirt without collars for men 4. No cell-phone inside of the class 5. Minimum attendance 75% 6. Message/call/ prior to the absence 7. Be Active!!
8. Classes will be run about meetings in one semester 9. The presence of the students is minimally 75% from all meetings 10. Students having less than 75% of attending the class are not allowed to join the final examination 11. Assignments give much contribution to the final achievement 12. Process is more important than result. 13. Students bring dictionary every meeting 14. Students try to use English 15. The content of General English will be as follows: a.Speaking b.Writing c.Reading d.Translation e.Grammar focus f.Language game
Evaluation and Assessment 1. Class attendance 2. Class participation 3. Presentations 4. Semester task/test.