Common Core State Standards and Essential Standards Information for HMS Families
Overview of Common Core Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Overview of Common Core
What are the changes based on Common Core ? Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… What are the changes based on Common Core ? Emphasis on Reading and Writing Emphasis on 21st Century Skills Emphasis on Increasing Text Complexity
A College and Career Ready Student Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… A College and Career Ready Student demonstrates independence builds strong content knowledge responds to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline comprehends and critiques values evidence uses technology and digital media strategically and capably understands other perspectives and cultures The introduction to the Common Core provides a description of a College and Career Ready Student. The standards were created with this end in mind. Within the common core standards, you will find an emphasis on 21st century skills. The new teacher evaluation instrument will help guide teachers to improve, particularly as they scaffold for independence, teach students to use media effectively and ethically, and work with others to learn and create. You will also find cross disciplinary literacy skills as students learn to read critically for purpose and understanding
Emphasis on 21st Century Skills Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Emphasis on 21st Century Skills Teachers will scaffold for independence, teaching students to use media effectively and ethically and to work with others to learn and create.
21st Century Skills Examples Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… 21st Century Skills Examples Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: RI.7.8. Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims. Collaboration: SL.8.1a-b Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. 21st century skills manifest throughout the common core standards
Common Core Standards English Language Arts K-12 Mathematics K-12 Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Common Core Standards English Language Arts K-12 Mathematics K-12 Literacy Component for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects K-12 (such as engineering, technology, design, business, or other workforce-related subject) Common Core is a National Initiative and the Essential Standards are a state level initiative . English Language Arts and Mathematics do not have two different set of standards. Their common core is their state standards. The state can add up to 15% to the common core, per Race to the Top, but DPI has not published whether or not they will do this. Technical subjects – A course devoted to a practical study, such as engineering, technology, design, business, or other workforce-related subject; a technical aspect of a wider field of study, such as art or music
English Language Arts Strands Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… English Language Arts Strands Reading: text complexity and the growth of the comprehension Writing: text types, responding to reading and research Speaking and Listening: flexible communication and collaboration Language: conventions, effective use, and vocabulary Text Complexity – readability, student’s background knowledge, reader task (what the reader is being asked to do)
Common Core for Mathematics Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Common Core for Mathematics Standards for Mathematical Content to be College and Career Ready Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability The high school standards specify the mathematics that all students should study in order to be college and career ready. Additional mathematics that students should learn in order to take advanced courses such as calculus, advanced statistics, or discrete mathematics is indicated by (+), as in this example: (+) Represent complex numbers on the complex plane in rectangular and polar form (including real and imaginary numbers). So not EVERY standard listed is for all students – the ones with a (+) are more for the honors students heading to AP courses. Others are for a particular interest area.
Common Core for Mathematics Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Common Core for Mathematics Standards for Mathematical Practice Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education. The first of these are the NCTM process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and connections. The second are the strands of mathematical proficiency specified in the National Research Council’s report Adding It Up: adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual understanding (comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations and relations), procedural fluency (skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately), and productive disposition (habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy).
New Names for Math Courses Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… New Names for Math Courses Middle School Course Names: Common Core Math 6 Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math 8 High School Course Names: Common Core Math I will be offered next year (replaces Algebra I) Common Core Math II and III will be phased in over the next two years (replaced Geometry and Algebra II)
Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Literacy Component for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects K-12 Explain the difference between content area reading and disciplinary literacy – how literacy is used to make meaning of a discipline
Features of 6-12 Literacy Standards Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Features of 6-12 Literacy Standards Focus on discipline-specific vocabulary Acknowledgement of unique text structures Expectation for reading and writing in non-ELA classrooms Expectation for development of informational/ technical writing skills Focus on critical analysis and evidence
K-12 Anchor Standards for Reading Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… K-12 Anchor Standards for Reading There are 10 standards organized under the following topics: Key ideas and details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity This is for English Science SS and Tech Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity – there is one standard under this topic that is NOT articulated differently
History/Social Studies Science & Technical Subjects Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Sample Standard ANCHOR STANDARD (Reading) History/Social Studies Science & Technical Subjects 3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. RH.6-8.3. Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes a law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Use handout of slide and ask, “The left column shows what these standards have in common. What distinguishes the math from the science?”
Key Factors in History Reading Standards Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Key Factors in History Reading Standards Textual evidence/sources Relationship among events Importance of author Thinking across sources (adapted from Shanahan & Shanahan)
Key Factors in Science/TS Reading Standards Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Key Factors in Science/TS Reading Standards Understanding complex processes (follow precisely) Translation (compare and contrast information in different forms, synthesize) Critical thinking (distinguish among, assess, evaluate) (adapted from Shanahan & Shanahan)
K- 12 Anchor Standards for Writing Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… K- 12 Anchor Standards for Writing There are 10 standards organized under the following topics: Text types and purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Range of Writing
Overview of Essential Standards Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Overview of Essential Standards
Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… The following contents have adopted (or are in the process of being adopted) standards and implementation is scheduled for 2012-13: Science Arts Education World Language Social Studies Healthful Living Occupational Course of Study – Implemented in 2011-12 Information and Technology Skills – Implemented in 2011-12 Guidance CTE Have been adopting them after 3.0 Science - next generation science standards (NGSS) scheduled for December 2013, whether we will adopt them in NC is still up for discussion
What are the changes in the Essential Standards from the Current SCoS? Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… What are the changes in the Essential Standards from the Current SCoS? Identifies essential standards and further clarifies these standards through the objectives Emphasis on depth vs. breadth Based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Essential Standards for Social Studies Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Essential Standards for Social Studies Reflects a shift to a more conceptual framework – not facts taught in isolation, not memorization of names and dates but instead the connections and causality, and Shift from regional coverage of content to chronological For example: History class at Stanford
Essential Standards for Social Studies Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Essential Standards for Social Studies There are five strands: History Geography Culture Civics Economics Strands are vertical aligned – both in nomenclature and content
Essential Standards for Science Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… Essential Standards for Science In K-8, students study: earth, life, and physical science topics each year Some topics have shifted from one grade level to another Inquiry is integrated into each topic Teachers have the opportunity to attend professional development sessions to prepare for the changes.
What are the changes based on Common Core ? Overview… English Language Arts… Math… Literacy… Essential Standards… What are the changes based on Common Core ? Emphasis on Reading and Writing Emphasis on 21st Century Skills Emphasis on Increasing Text Complexity
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