Name of patternPrimary Base 10 Blocks PRINT IN COLOR AND ON CARD STOCK, IF POSSIBLE Suggested GradesK at the end of school; 1 st - anytime 2 nd at the beginning Intended Patterns Created1.ABC- pattern block representation; standard form; word form; repeat 2.Value of the number- increases by +4 each time it repeats (ex. 6, 10, 14, etc) 3.Triangles- rotate counter clock wise around the calendar piece (ABCD) 4.Triangle- colors are in a ABCD pattern and grow as this pattern progresses (ABCD; AABBCCDD; AAABBBCCCDDD; etc.) Georgia Performance Standards touched Numbers and Operations; Data Analysis; Measurement; Process Standards Suggested Months to use it inK- after winter break 1 st - anytime 2 nd - September or October
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