Kulturformidling fra gaden Situationisme, byen og den digitale utopi “EVERYDAY LIFE IS THE MEASURE OF ALL THINGS” Guy Debord
Den flygtige by vs. traditionelle kulturelle markører
Den flygtige by - det offentlige rum Samsung
Den flygtige by - en utopi?
Byen - rummet og teknologien - hvilket niveau handler det om? Mobile Landscape - Graz realtime
Byen som kommunikation “Buildings and transportation systems are planned, but changes that grow from the use of communication devices emerge." Unlike the centrally designed urban changes ushered in by skyscrapers and subways, the social trends that appear spontaneously when a million people use their mobile phones, PDAs, and wireless laptops are less predictable and happen more quickly. (Howard Rheingold)
Urban Texting (2004) - et kunstprojekt
Urban Texting - Situationisme New Babylon, Constant Nieuwenhuis
Urban Texting - New Babylon vs. Disconnected urbanism New Babylon, Constant Nieuwenhuis ” When you walk along the street and talk on a cell phone, you are not sharing the experience of urban life. You are there, but you are not there ” Paul Goldberger
Sightseeing Sydhavnen (2005) - et byudviklingsprojekt
Urban Tapestries ( ) “Urban Tapestries seeks to create new ways of appreciating and interacting with the fabric of the city. It can both excavate and enrich the layers of experience that weave together in our everyday lives.”