February Rules Ed Agenda Agenda Official Visit Issues Official Visit Issues Scouting Services Scouting Services Legislation Update Legislation Update Recent Violations Recent Violations Recent Interpretations Recent Interpretations Eligibility Center Eligibility Center
Official Visit Issues Meal Coupons Meal Coupons Your benefit to use them Your benefit to use them Do not let hosts use guest meals/points for PSA Do not let hosts use guest meals/points for PSA Host $$$$ Host $$$$ Cannot reimburse hosts Cannot reimburse hosts Get Advance from Business Office Get Advance from Business Office No out of pocket $ from S/A or Coach No out of pocket $ from S/A or Coach Host Rules Ed. (NEW) Host Rules Ed. (NEW)
Scouting Services Is anyone using any type of Scouting Service to recruit? Is anyone using any type of Scouting Service to recruit? List w/ contact information List w/ contact information Sending new Scouting Service Evaluation Form Sending new Scouting Service Evaluation Form Not complying w/form = no subscription Not complying w/form = no subscription
Legislation Update Trying to override: Trying to override: – Allows S/A to enter into a contract before enrolling (no pay). Also, in certain sports, delaying enrollment causes a loss of 1 season and S/A must sit a year – Allows S/A to enter into a contract before enrolling (no pay). Also, in certain sports, delaying enrollment causes a loss of 1 season and S/A must sit a year B – Camps may only be conducted within a 100 mile radius B – Camps may only be conducted within a 100 mile radius – Womens Basketball – Summer Evals. at open gyms – Womens Basketball – Summer Evals. at open gyms
Recent Violations Issues involving OV meal $$ Issues involving OV meal $$ No skill-instruction in public view No skill-instruction in public view Volunteer coaches Volunteer coaches May receive 2 comp tickets to home games in their own sport May receive 2 comp tickets to home games in their own sport May not receive comp tickets to other home games (MBB, FB, MLAX) May not receive comp tickets to other home games (MBB, FB, MLAX)
Recent Interpretations Camps/Clinics -- Ownership by Multiple Institutions (I/II/III) Camps/Clinics -- Ownership by Multiple Institutions (I/II/III) Date Published: February 11, 2010 Item Ref: a Interpretation: Date Published: February 11, 2010 Item Ref: a Interpretation: The academic and membership affairs staff confirmed that a camp or clinic is considered an institutional camp or clinic if an institution or multiple institutions is a majority owner (e.g., 51 percent). Further, the camp or clinic is considered an institutional camp or clinic for all institutions with any percentage of ownership (e.g., Institution A owns 40 percent and Institution B owns 25 percent, total ownership equals 65 percent and the camp or clinic is considered an institutional camp or clinic for both institutions). The academic and membership affairs staff confirmed that a camp or clinic is considered an institutional camp or clinic if an institution or multiple institutions is a majority owner (e.g., 51 percent). Further, the camp or clinic is considered an institutional camp or clinic for all institutions with any percentage of ownership (e.g., Institution A owns 40 percent and Institution B owns 25 percent, total ownership equals 65 percent and the camp or clinic is considered an institutional camp or clinic for both institutions).
Interpretations Donations Made for Prospective or Currently Enrolled Student-Athletes to Outside Team or Organization (I/II/III) Donations Made for Prospective or Currently Enrolled Student-Athletes to Outside Team or Organization (I/II/III) Date Published: February 11, 2010 Interpretation: Date Published: February 11, 2010 Interpretation: The academic and membership affairs staff confirmed that donations made by individuals other than a prospective or currently enrolled student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians (e.g., neighbors, businesses) to an outside team or organization in the name of or on behalf of the prospective or currently enrolled student- athlete are precluded, inasmuch as these donations would be considered "earmarked" for the prospective or currently enrolled student-athlete. However, it is permissible for such individuals to make a donation to the general fund of the outside team or organization, provided it is not credited to a particular prospective or currently enrolled student-athlete. The academic and membership affairs staff confirmed that donations made by individuals other than a prospective or currently enrolled student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians (e.g., neighbors, businesses) to an outside team or organization in the name of or on behalf of the prospective or currently enrolled student- athlete are precluded, inasmuch as these donations would be considered "earmarked" for the prospective or currently enrolled student-athlete. However, it is permissible for such individuals to make a donation to the general fund of the outside team or organization, provided it is not credited to a particular prospective or currently enrolled student-athlete.
Eligibility Center PSAs who have not transferred info to the new system appear in red PSAs who have not transferred info to the new system appear in red New Task List added to PSAs account New Task List added to PSAs account – Need translation of year 10, Need agent contract – Need translation of year 10, Need agent contract