The Why, What and How of Disaster Recovery Plan Testing Presented By: Ed Deveau
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING Presentation Goals Why Test What To Test How To Plan for Tests How To Report Test Results
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING Why Test? Validate Recovery Procedures Training To Improve Readiness Increase Plan Awareness Evaluate overall recoverability Maintain The Recovery Plan
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING What to Test Crisis Management Team Testing Business Unit Testing Data Center/IT Testing
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING What to Test Emergency Management Team Testing Plan Walk-Thru Simulation Exercises
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING What to Test Business Unit Testing Emergency Notification Tests Plan Walk-Through Simulation Exercises Work Area Recovery Site to Data Center at Home Work Area Recovery Site to Data Center Recovery Site
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING What to Test Data Center/IT Recovery Testing (At Home) Call Tree Testing Systems & Applications Recovery Procedures walk-thru Backup Files Retrieval and Inventory Check
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING What to Test Data Center/IT Recovery Testing (At Hotsite) Data Center, No User Connectivity, No User Validation - Operating System Environment Only - Operating Environment and Application(s) Single Platform Multiple Applications With or Without Interfaces. Multiple Platforms, Multiple Applications With or Without Interfaces.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING What to Test Data Center/IT Recovery Testing (At Hotsite) Data Center With User Connectivity and Validation Users at home (primary) site Users at work area recovery site(s)
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How often should you test? Emergency Management Team1/Yr Call Tree Testing2-4/Yr Business Unit Testing2/Yr Data Center/IT Recovery Testing2/Yr Data Center/IT Recovery Testing with User Validation1/Yr
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How To Report Test Results Your your test plans should changes and grow with your environment The recovery testing program should be organized so that you are continually adding to and updating your testing goals and objectives each time you test.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? Proper planning and preparation for each test will ensure that disaster recovery test doesnt lead to a disaster. Test objectives and limitations need to be established and communicated early in the planning process.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? Create a Project Charter Identify test sponsors and staff involved, Identify date(s) and goals of the test Identify project plan Create a Test Plan document Conduct frequent meetings to monitor progress, and problems.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? I -Test overview Test Goals and Objectives Test Date (s) Test Timeframe Test scenario Test Data Test Limitations Test Plan Document
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? Test Plan Document II – Project Plan List major events and time frames (before, during and after test) III - Test Sponsors and Participants Names Responsibilities and Location During Test Contact Info
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? Test Plan Document IV - Test Objectives Identify business units/functions to be tested Identify platforms/applications to be tested Identify facilities to be tested (Data Comm Networks, Etc.) Identify operating environment to be tested
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? Test Plan Document V – Functional Unit Recovery Test Plans Create test scripts identifying transactions, etc. to be tested and results expected. (Q/A test scripts are acceptable) VI – Data Center Recovery Test Plans Use technical recovery task plans Identify systems/application level validation tests to be performed prior to turning systems over to users Identify data communications facilities validation testing to be performed
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How Do You plan for a Test? Test Plan Document VII - Outstanding Items/Issues from Last Test(s) Identify problems/issues reported at the last test that may not have been resolved, or are worth noting to ensure that they dont reoccur VIII - Recovery Test Problem Report Forms Issue forms to all test participants Monitor Participants for Problems
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How To Report Test Results Test reports should give kudos where they are deserved and constructively identify areas where improvements are needed. Dont forget to highlight the failed objectives Its okay to have failed objectives. Its not okay to have the same objective fail twice.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How To Report Test Results I - Post Test Executive Summary One page narrative outline providing overview of test and its results. -Highlight major accomplishments and issues that occurred during the test. -Include statement on recoverability and what should be included in the next test(s) II - Test Overview Use test charter document
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How To Report Test Results III - Test Timeline Use test charter document and update timeline to show projected and actual times. IV - Test Objectives Update objectives to show results which ones were met/not met or partially met. V - Test Participants Update to identify any changes in participants.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING How To Report Test Results VI – Recovery Validation Test Plans Update to show if expected results were achieved or not, and note issues etc in comments field VII - Problems/issues reported List the problems and issues raised during the test that have either been resolved or are still outstanding. During the post test review meeting, assign follow-up responsibilities.
WHY, WHAT AND HOW OF DR PLAN TESTING Success is where preparation and opportunity meet Bobby Unser