A Presentation to the Cabinet A Presentation to Stakeholders Developing a University-Wide Integrated Employee Core Competency Framework A Presentation to the Cabinet (or) A Presentation to Stakeholders
Presentation Summary Definitions Examples Benefits for departments and employees Process used to develop core competencies Our university core competencies Integrating core competencies into performance evaluations Next Steps
Organizational Core Competencies “Definition” Clusters of universally-expected, observable behaviors Necessary for successful performance in the position and in the organization Distinguish performance in a particular work context
How Core Competencies are Used Tell us “how” major responsibilities of a position should be done Help us address how a professional can best go about adding value for a constituent Help us evaluate the performance of employees Give us a look at what mastery performance looks like Gives ideas for employee development Used in selection, professional development, and career planning, performance coaching, evaluation, promotion
Example Core Competency “Collaborating & Partnership” Definition: Effectively develop relationships and collaborate with all stakeholders; value teamwork and apply a variety of strategies to meet the needs of a diverse constituency.
Behavioral Indicators The smallest unit of on-the-job behavior that is measurable and subject to change or improvement over time. Effective behavioral descriptors must be: Understandable Observable At the right level
Example Behavioral Descriptors “Collaborating and Partnership”: Balance own responsibilities with interests of team and/or department; respect group goals Readily and respectfully shares knowledge, responsibilities, and expertise with others Fulfill commitments to other team members Demonstrates positive influences within groups/teams by promoting a friendly climate, good morale, and cooperation
Benefits of a Competency Framework Departments will have improved and integrated processes for: Recruitment and retention of talent Assessment and selection Performance communication and support Leadership development Succession planning Career development
Benefits of a Competency Framework Employees will benefit from: Clarity about knowledge, skill, and ability expectations Improved supervisor and employee communication More consistent performance appraisal feedback Improved recognition for skill growth as well as achievement Clearer paths for career development Supervisor’s increased ability to demystify HR processes for employees
Developing Core Competencies Get a list of competencies Make sure it’s complete Write master-level descriptions Eliminate overlaps Sort the list Compare individual decisions Come to consensus Publish and use the competency list
Our University Process Supervisor Leadership Series: supervisors facilitated development of their team’s values, employee core competencies, descriptions, and behavioral indicators Evaluated classified recruitments over a 6 month period Facilitated process with President & Cabinet Worked with Advisory Teams Developed new performance evaluation form Conducted training for supervisors Present information sessions for faculty and staff
Our Core Competencies Communication & Personal Effectiveness Customer Orientation Collaborating & Partnership Achievement Orientation Self-awareness & Professional Development Leadership
Job Knowledge & Technical Skills Start with the position description and identify the 4-6 key responsibilities Determine if the employee is skilled in these key responsibilities Does the employee demonstrate a clear understanding of the role & scope of them Does the employee fully understand department/university procedures Does the employee have a university-wide perspective
Performance Evaluation Form Section 1: Job Knowledge & Technical Skills (key responsibilities from PD) Section 2: Core Competencies Section 3: Goal(s)
Core Competencies + Job Knowledge Utilize throughout the entire employment process: Developing the PD Qualifications detailed in advertising Evaluating candidates Interviewing candidates (behavioral questions) Reference checking (behavioral questions) Make job offer Training and development Performance evaluations
Next Steps Obtain feedback from campus on first pilot year, e.g. competencies, performance evaluation form, timing of evaluations Use HR Advisory Team to implement core competencies for academic staff with new performance evaluation form Incorporate core competencies into current PDs for administrative and support staff Continue working one-on-one with faculty search committees to incorporate core competencies into PDs and recruitment process
Sources The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers, Dick Grote, 2002 High-Impact Interview Questions: 701 Behavior-Based Questions, Victoria A. Hoevemeyer, 2006