Education Fund Deficit Washington GSD #52 September 2009
General Information Education Fund proposed deficit -$965,000 Education Fund proposed deficit -$965,000 Education Fund had a Fund Balance at the beginning of of $2,960,000. Education Fund had a Fund Balance at the beginning of of $2,960,000. Education Fund was $269,000 in deficit for the SY. Education Fund was $269,000 in deficit for the SY. Purpose of the analysis is to determine Purpose of the analysis is to determine One Time Expenditures One Time Expenditures On Going Expenditures On Going Expenditures Analysis is an estimate. Analysis is an estimate.
One Time Expenditures Deficit from Previous Yr. 50,000 WMS Laptops 205,000 Cushion 75,000 Substitutes (potential H1N1) 25,000 Unemployment 32,000 TRS Penalty 38,000 Total 425,000
On Going Expenditures Deficit Previous Yr. (2008 raise) 208,000 Salary&Benefit (2009 raise) 200,000 PurServ/Supplies 120,000 Hearing and Vision 12,000 Total 540,000
Overview OngoingOne Time Deficit from Previous Yr. 208,000 50, ,000 S&B Increase 200,000 - WMS Laptops - 205,000 PS/S Budget Increase 120,000 - Cushion - 75,000 Hearing and Vision 12,000 Substitutes (potential H1N1) - 25,000 Unemployment - 32,000 TRS Penalty - 38,000 Total 540, , ,000
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