Wichita Public Library Rex Cornelius Electronic Resources Webliography online at:
Programs designed to infect other computers.
software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. Computer viruses, Worms, Trojan horses, Rootkits, Spyware, Hijackers, dishonest Adware, Crimeware.
“Back Doors” “Rootkits” allow other people to access and control your computer
Being an intermediary for an attack on another computer.
Some Trojans function as a mail forwarder, and allow the attacker to transmit spam through the infected system.
A remote administrator can use your computer to store illegal materials.
Capture and record user keystrokes to obtain passwords or encryption keys
Adware - Software that supports itself or another program by displaying ads. Spyware - Software that gathers and transmits information without your knowledge. Hijacking software - Advertising software programs that change the settings of your browser without your knowledge.
Currently the biggest threat to personal computing. Virus-like symptoms. Earthlink: 29 million spyware-related files on the 1 million computers Microsoft: 50% of computer crashes Google: 450,000 sites that install malicious code
Keep all applications patched to the most recent level Operating system Internet Browsers programs Word Processors Spreadsheets All Microsoft Products!
1. Use anti-virus software on all Internet-connected computers. 2. Be sure to keep your anti- virus software up-to-date. 3. Use automatic updates of virus definitions when available.
can be exploited by intruders
Don’t run a program unless you know it’s from a trusted source. Never run programs of unknown origin Never transfer programs of unknown origin
Scan with a removal tool often. Ad Aware Spybot MS Malicious Software Removal Tool
Network device Linksys, Netgear, etc. Personal firewall software ZoneAlarm Outpost Firewall Pro Windows Firewall
techniques used to manipulate people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.
An message can appear to come from one source when it was sent from another.
Never open unknown attachments. Know the source. Before opening any attachments, be sure your virus definitions are up-to- date You can save the file to your disk and scan the file using your antivirus software
Messages designed to gather confidential information.
Never send confidential information by Credit card numbers Passwords Never trust links sent by . Service Providers will never ask for your username or password.
Disguise malicious programs LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs AnnaKournikova.jpg.pif
Using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. A form of cybersquatting which relies on mistakes such as typographical errors made by Internet users when inputting a website address into a web browser.
Download of spyware, a computer virus or any kind of malware that happens without knowledge of the user. Drive-by downloads may happen by visiting a website, viewing an message or by clicking on a deceptive popup window.
Windows Firewall Malicious Software Removal Tool Google Warnings (StopBadware.org) McAfee SiteAdvisor - Free plug-in
Warnings at Google from StopBadware.org
McAfee Site Advisor
ShopSafe is a free service that allows you to create a temporary card number each time you make an online purchase. This number links directly to your credit card account number but keeps your card number private and protected.
Choose another Web Browser Firefox, Opera Choose another program Eudora, Thunderbird Use a Web Mail service gmail.com, mail.com, everyone.net
Disconnect from any network when it’s not in use
Make regular backups of critical data Flash Drive, Floppy Disk External Hard Drive Another Hard Drive or Partition CD-R / CD-RW Another PC on a network
Create an emergency boot disk. Remember, before you have a security event. Save all program media.
The Internet is still a wonderful information resource. Take precautions, but use and enjoy Internet access! Links are online at: