Prepared by: for: Victor Ordonez Hong Kong Educational November 2000 Research Association
I. The Case Study: The Presidential Commission on Educational Reform in the Philippines EDUCATION REFORM:
I. The Case Study: The Presidential Commission on Educational Reform in the Philippines II. A Regional Overview - Reform efforts in Asia - Lessons from the collective experience EDUCATION REFORM:
PREMISES Challenge of Emerging Demands Broad Definitions: Formal and Nonformal Role of State; Role of Private Sector Values Affecting Philippine Education
Document Research EDCOM (1992) Philippine Education Sector Study Report of UNESCO Delors Commission Medium Term Philippine Development Plan PROCESS
Consultation with Stakeholders Teachers/Students Staff from DECS, CHED, TESDA Parents and Other Sectors Public Officials Experts and Consultants PROCESS
Document Research Consultation with Stakeholders PROCESS
Finance FIN Sciences ISTMEOT Governance GOV Language MOI Teachers TDAWQA Quality
Recommendations not chosen: Policy already exists Not budget-feasible Already proposed as legislation Calls for further study Safeguarding procedures
An Agenda for Reform Nine Specific Proposals
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 1 Establishment of the National Coordinating Council for Education (NCCE)
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 2 Rationalization, within a Moratorium Period, of the Creation and Conversion of the State Universities and Colleges
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 3 Reorientation of the Premises of Financing Public Higher Education
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 4 Establishment of a One-year Pre- baccalaureate System
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 5 Faculty Development at the Tertiary Level
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 6 Strengthening of Teacher Competencies at the Basic Education Level
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 7 Expansion of the Options for Medium of Instruction in Grade 1 through the Use of the Regional Lingua Franca or the Vernacular
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 8 Establishment of a National Educational Evaluation and Testing System (NEETS)
PRODUCT PROPOSAL NO. 9 Establishment of Common Standards of Accreditation Per Discipline
I. The Case Study: The Presidential Commission on Educational Reform in the Philippines II. A Regional Overview - Reform efforts in Asia - Lessons from the collective experience EDUCATION REFORM:
Reform Efforts in Asia * The imperatives of change * Existing surveys of previous reforms * Examples: Kazakstan, Jilin, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Rajastan,etc.
Lessons from the Collective Experience * Generic reform vs. targeted reform * Reorganization vs. reform * Intervention reform vs. inevitable reform * Administrative reform vs. pedagogical reform
* Generic reform vs. targeted reform - by sub-sector: primary, secondary, university, etc. - by geography: regions, provinces - by positive discrimination: low performers, centers of excellence - by functional area: textbook provision, curriculum, school supervision
Lessons from the Collective Experience * Generic reform vs. targeted reform * Reorganization vs. reform * Intervention reform vs. inevitable reform * Administrative reform vs. pedagogical reform
* Reorganization vs. reform - The anatomy, physiology, and pathology of organizations - Reorganization requirements; reform requirements - Examples
Lessons from the Collective Experience * Generic reform vs. targeted reform * Reorganization vs. reform * Intervention reform vs. inevitable reform * Administrative reform vs. pedagogical reform
* Intervention reform vs. inevitable reform - Timing; authorship - Methodology: top-down or bottom-up; deductive vs. inductive - Role of legislation, bureaucracy, stakeholders, civil society
Lessons from the Collective Experience * Generic reform vs. targeted reform * Reorganization vs. reform * Intervention reform vs. inevitable reform * Administrative reform vs. pedagogical reform
* Administrative reform vs. pedagogical reform - Efficiency or effectiveness - The bureaucracy or the classroom - Content or delivery - Todays student: his/her new learning needs; his/her new way of thinking and learning
Lessons from the Collective Experience * Generic reform vs. targeted reform * Reorganization vs. reform * Intervention reform vs. inevitable reform * Administrative reform vs. pedagogical reform
Prepared by: for: Victor Ordonez Hong Kong Educational November 2000 Research Association