NYSE-CON New York State Electronic Certificate of Need
New York's current Certificate of Need (CON) is in the process of reform to keep up with the demands of modern healthcare. New York's current Certificate of Need (CON) is in the process of reform to keep up with the demands of modern healthcare. As part of that reform, a decision was made to attempt to streamline the process, enhance public information about the process, enable increased public input into the process, and most importantly, centralize the information for wide based distribution. As part of that reform, a decision was made to attempt to streamline the process, enhance public information about the process, enable increased public input into the process, and most importantly, centralize the information for wide based distribution. Certificate of Need
Reduce Paper Enhance Communication Centralize Project Information for Dissemination Electronic Certificate of Need Phase 1
Reduce paper Applicants will submit applications electronically. Reviewers will be able to access the applications at their workstations at time of submission. Electronic Certificate of Need Phase 1 Functionality
Enhance Communication Notifications will be sent when the application is submitted to review units and the associated Regional Office. The applicant will receive requests and correspondence in real time through the system and be able to respond timely. Reviewers and the applicant will have access to all documents and correspondence throughout CON process. Electronic Certificate of Need Phase 1 Functionality
Centralized Data Everyone will have access to project information Electronic Certificate of Need Phase 1 Functionality
NYSE-CON New York State Electronic Certificate of Need