Conferences 1 RDA Special Topics: Conferences - Guidelines for Best Practice Ana Lupe Cristán Policy and Standards Division Revised October 2012 Based on a presentation developed by colleagues at the British Library
Conferences 2 RDA Authority Records for Conference Names This session will cover: Named conferences Additions to conference names Conferences, meetings, exhibitions, fairs and festivals Choosing the preferred name Location of conference Individual conference name authority records vs. Collective conference name authority records Conflicts Variant name access points Notes on MARC tags Examples of authority records
Conferences 3 Named conferences Under RDA a conference name need not contain a word that denotes a conference, to be considered named LCRI 21.1.B1 has no equivalent in RDA or in the LC-PCC PS LCRI 21.1.B1: “… when deciding whether a phrase is a name is that the phrase must include a word that connotes a meeting: "symposium," "conference," "workshop," "colloquium," etc.”
Conferences 4 Named conferences A named conference need only fulfill these RDA definitions RDA Person, Family, and Corporate Body: “The term corporate body refers to an organization or group of persons and/or organizations that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as a unit.” RDA Name: “The term name refers to a word, character, or group of words and/or characters by which a person, family, or corporate body is known.”
Conferences 5 Named conferences Conference names eligible for use as an authorized access point (111 or 711) Freedom & Faith Digital Library Futures: User Perspectives and Institutional Strategies Considered unnamed under AACR2, but named under RDA May not convey the idea of a corporate body (conference)
Conferences 6 Named conferences Additions to names RDA Names Not Conveying the Idea of a Corporate Body: “If the preferred name for the body does not convey the idea of a corporate body, record a suitable designation in the language preferred by the agency creating the data.” Examples: Freedom & Faith (Conference) (1984 : Saint Charles, Ill.) Digital Library Futures: User Perspectives and Institutional Strategies (Conference) (2009 : Milan, Italy)
Conferences 7 Named conferences See also LC-PCC PS for Initialisms and Acronyms “If the name chosen for the authorized access point for a corporate body is an initialism or acronym written in all capital letters (with or without periods between them), add a qualifier to the name.” Example: CICA (Conference) (2011 : Hangzhou, China)
Conferences 8 Conferences, meetings, exhibitions, fairs and festivals These events now have the same rules RDA Number or Year of Convocation of a Conference, Etc.: “Omit from the name of a conference, congress, meeting, exhibition, fair, festival, etc. […] indications of its number, or year or years of convocation, etc.” No instruction to remove an indication of frequency (Annual, Biennial, etc.)
Conferences 9 Conferences, meetings, exhibitions, fairs and festivals Examples: Omit year of convocation: CAV (Conference) NOT CAV ’91 Retain indication of frequency (Annual, Biennial, etc.): Annual Conference on Fishing NOT Conference on Fishing [with “Annual” omitted]
Conferences 10 Choosing the preferred name RDA Sources of Information: “Determine the preferred name for a corporate body from the following sources (in order of preference): a) the preferred sources of information (see 2.2.2) in resources associated with the corporate body b) other formal statements appearing in resources associated with the corporate body c) other sources (including reference sources)”
Conferences 11 Choosing the preferred name RDA Different Forms of the Same Name: “If different forms of a corporate body's name appear in resources associated with the body, apply the general instructions given below. When appropriate, apply the special instructions given under – as well.”
Conferences 12 Choosing the preferred name RDA Different Forms of the Same Name: Order of preference: Form appearing in preferred sources of information Form presented formally on preferred source, if more than one Most commonly found form Brief form that would differentiate the body
Conferences 13 Choosing the preferred name RDA Variant Spellings : “If variant spellings of the name appear in resources associated with the body, choose the form found in the first resource received.”
Conferences 14 Choosing the preferred name RDA More Than One Language Form of the Name: Order of preference: Form in the official language of the body. LCPS: If there is more than one official language and one of these is English, choose the form in English Form in language used predominantly in resources Form that is presented first in the first resource received
Conferences 15 Conference names as subordinate bodies In RDA the instructions for subordinate bodies ( ) are the same as in AACR2. Type 3 – Name that is general in nature Annual Meeting; Macadamia Nut Association 110 2# $a Macadamia Nut Association. $b Annual Meeting Type 6 – Name that includes the entre name of the higher body Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission 110 2# $a International Whaling Commission. $b Annual Meeting
Conferences 16 Location of conference There is no rule of three; all locations can be given Separate the locations with semicolons Give “Online” as the location of a conference held online
Conferences 17 Individual conference name authority records Used for a one-time conference: International Conference on Fishing (2011 : Grimsby, England) CICA (Conference) (2011 : Hangzhou, China) Used for a single instance of an ongoing (sequential) conference: Conference on Bats (3rd : 1999 : Whitby, England) BTR (Conference) (2nd : 2002 : University of New Mexico) NARs now created for single instances of ongoing conferences
Conferences 18 Individual conference name authority records Can contain references from variant names of a one- time conference: Examples: 111 2# $a CICA (Conference) $d (2011 : $c Hangzhou, China) 411 2# $a International Conference on Computer, Informatics, Cybernetics and Applications $d (2011 : $c Hangzhou, China) 411 2# $a CICA 2011 $d (2011 : $c Hangzhou, China)
Conferences 19 Individual conference name authority records Can contain references from variant names of a single instance of an ongoing (sequential) conference: Example: 111 2# $a BTR (Conference) $n (2nd : $d 2002 : $c University of New Mexico) 411 2# $a Conference on the Unified Science & Technology for Reducing Biological Threats & Countering Terrorism $n (2nd : $d 2002 : $c University of New Mexico) 411 2# $a BTR 2002 $d (2002 : $c University of New Mexico)
Conferences 20 Collective conference name authority records (LC-PCC PS Used for the whole series of an ongoing conference: 111 2# $a Conference on Bats 111 2# $a BTR (Conference) Used by institutions who catalogue conference proceedings as serials Should contain a 667 note per LC-PCC policy 667 ##$a See also related access points for individual instances of this conference which include specific information about the number, date, or place of the individual conference.
Conferences 21 Collective conference name authority records Variant forms of the name of the whole series of an ongoing (sequential) conference may be added to the collective NAR: Example: 111 2# $a BTR (Conference) 411 2# $a Conference on the Unified Science & Technology for Reducing 411 2# $a Biological Threats & Countering Terrorism (Conference) Example: 111 2# $a Bat Conference 411 2# $a BATS (Conference)
Conferences 22 Collective conference name authority records Make earlier and later relationships when a conference has changed its name: 111 2# $a Conference on Bats 511 2# $w b $a Bat Conference Earlier and later relationships are only carried in the collective conference name authority records Note that PCC catalogers may use Appendix K relationship designators to relate names instead of earlier/later ($w a and $w b) 111 2# $a Conference on Bats 511 2# $w r $i Successor: $a Bat Conference
Conferences 23 Guidelines on sequential conferences - Recap If an name authority record already exists for the collective conference name i.e., without number, date or place If you need the individual conference - create an RDA name authority record for the individual conference If no name authority record exists for the collective conference name i.e. without number, date or place Create an RDA name authority record for the individual conference unless it is being cataloged as a serial
Conferences 24 Conflicts A variant name access point may match another variant name access point A variant name access point may not match an authorized name access point An authorized name access point may not match another authorized name access point
Conferences 25 Conflicts An individual conference name access point is unlikely, itself, to conflict with another BTR (Conference) (2nd : 2002 : University of New Mexico) An collective conference name access point is more likely to conflict with another Conference on Fishing
Conferences 26 Conflicts A collective conference name access point can be made unique with an RDA addition: Place Associated with the Body Associated Institution Date Associated with the Body Other Designation Associated with the Body
Conferences 27 Conflicts Place Associated with the Body Examples 111 2# $a Conference on Fishing (Great Britain) 111 2# $a Conference on Fishing (Australia) 111 2# $a ATE (Conference : Canada) 111 2# $a ATE (Conference : South Africa) An individual conference name access point must correspond: Examples 111 2# $a Conference on Fishing (Great Britain) $n (2 nd : $d 2002 : $c Grimsby, England) 111 2# $a ATE (Conference : Canada) $n (10 th : $d 1999 : $c Ottawa, Ont.)
Conferences 28 Conflicts Associated Institution 111 2# $a Management Symposium (Institute of Directors) 111 2# $a Management Symposium (Confederation of British Industry) 111 2# $a BRE (Conference : Beekeepers’ Association) 111 2# $a BRE (Conference : Bristol Trainspotters’ Club) An individual conference name access point must correspond: 111 2# $a Management Symposium (Institute of Directors) $n (3rd : $d 1996 : $c Aberdeen, Scotland) 111 2# $a BRE (Conference : Beekeepers’ Association) $n (15 th : $d 1984 : $c Cardiff, Wales)
Conferences 29 Conflicts Date Associated with the Body Examples: English Knitting Meeting ( ) English Knitting Meeting (1960- ) FEE (Conference : ) FEE (Conference : ) An individual conference name access point must correspond: Examples: 111 2# $a English Knitting Meeting ( ) $n (3 rd : $d 1915 : $c Swindon, England) 111 2# $a FEE (Conference : ) $n (10 th : $d 1912 : $c Bristol, England)
Conferences 30 Conflicts Other Designation Associated with the Body Examples: Football Supporters’ Meeting (Soccer) Football Supporters’ Meeting (American football) SC (Conference : Software composition) SC (Conference : Supercomputing) An individual conference name access point must correspond: Examples: 111 2# $a Football Supporters’ Meeting (Soccer) $n (9 th : $d 2000 : $c York, England) 111 2# $a SC (Conference : Software composition) $n (11 th : $d 2012 : $c Prague, Czech Republic)
Conferences 31 Variant name access points Variant name access points (see references) are not Core Can be recorded following common sense Add if helpful in fulfilling the FRAD user tasks Identify
Conferences 32 Variant name access points RDA General Guidelines on Recording Variant Names for Corporate Bodies: “Record as a variant name a name or form of name used by a corporate body, or found in reference sources, or resulting from a different transliteration of the name, if it is different from that chosen as the preferred name for the body.” 111 2# $a International Conference on Cybernetics 411 2# $a International Cybernetics Conference
Conferences 33 Variant name access points Variant Access Point Representing a Corporate Body: “Make additions to the name, if considered important for identification, applying the instructions given under as applicable.” So make the same additions to a variant name as you would to a preferred name
Conferences 34 Variant name access points RDA Expanded Name: “If the name chosen as the preferred name for the corporate body consists of or includes an acronym, initialism, or an abbreviated form of name, record the expanded form of the name as a variant name.” 111 2# $a BTR (Conference) 411 2# $a Conference on the Unified Science & Technology for Reducing Biological Threats & Countering Terrorism
Conferences 35 Variant name access points RDA Acronym / Initialism / Abbreviated Form: “If the name chosen as the preferred name for the corporate body is a full form of the name, record an acronym, initialism, or abbreviated form of the name as a variant name.” 111 2# $a Harrogate Area Tea Symposium 411 2# $a HATS (Conference)
Conferences 36 Variant name access points RDA Other Variant Name: “Record other variants and variant forms of the name recorded as the preferred name not covered under as required. ”
Conferences 37 Variant name access points Other variant name Acronyms combined with dates Not mandated but can be helpful Example: CICA (Conference)(2011 :Hangzhou, China) 411 2# $a CICA 2011(2011 :Hangzhou, China)
Conferences 38 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 046 Special coded dates Individual name authority record Record any known start and end dates of the conference Record dates as specifically as they are known Example: 046 $s $t
Conferences 39 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 046 Special coded dates Collective name authority record Record known start and end dates of the whole ongoing conference Record an end date only if the series has ended, or changed name Examples: 046 ## $s ## $s 1999 $t 2004
Conferences 40 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 368 Other corporate body attributes Record the type of corporate body in 368 $a Record “Conference”, unless another term is more appropriate 368 $a Conference Also record in 368 terms for other entities that are tagged 111 Athletic contest, Competition, Exhibition, Expedition, Fair, Festival, Parade, Tournament, etc.
Conferences 41 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 370 Associated place Record the location of a conference in 370 $e Record a country that is associated with a conference, in 370 $c Record any other place that is associated with a conference, in 370 $f Only use in a collective conference name authority record if applicable to the whole series
Conferences 42 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 372 Field of activity Record the field or fields of activity of a conference Only use in a collective conference name authority record if applicable to the whole series
Conferences 43 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 370 Associated place: Place name for the location of the conference If an institution is used as the location of the conference in the 1XX instead of a place use field Associated group: Institution where the conference was held Record an institution organising the conference Record an institution that is the subject of a conference Record an institution otherwise associated with the conference Use in a collective conference name authority record only if applicable to the whole series
Conferences 44 Notes on MARC 21 tags 374 Occupation A conference can not have an occupation, so do not use this field 375 Gender A conference can not have a gender, so do not use this field
Conferences 45 Notes on optional MARC 21 tags 377 Language Record the language(s) in which a conference issues its proceedings Record the language(s) in which a conference does its business Only use in a collective conference name authority record if applicable to the whole series
RDA Authority Records for Conference Names Examples
Conferences 47 Named in RDA but not in AACR2
Conferences 48 Omit year of convocation
Conferences 49 Retain indication of frequency
Conferences 50 Qualify initialisms and acronyms
Conferences 51 Individual conference NAR
Conferences 52 Collective conference NAR
Conferences 53 Questions? Thanks again to our colleagues at the British Library for creating this module and for their permission to adapt it for use at LC