PowerPoint Guidelines Jane Kirsch Grad Core November 24, 2008
2 PPT Guidelines: Overview Narration Narration Font Font Text Text Graphics Graphics
3 PPT Guideline 1: Narration Use slides as a tool, not a crutch Use slides as a tool, not a crutch Focus on the speech, not the slides Focus on the speech, not the slides Don’t put note cards or paper on slides Don’t put note cards or paper on slides Talk about 1 main idea per slide Talk about 1 main idea per slide Illustrate ideas with examples and images Illustrate ideas with examples and images Don’t read from slides Don’t read from slides
4 PPT Guideline 2: Font Limit to no more than 3 kinds (or same) Limit to no more than 3 kinds (or same) Use sans-serif styles: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica (display better w/ projector) Use sans-serif styles: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica (display better w/ projector) Always use font size of at least 16 points Always use font size of at least 16 points Use a font size of at least 20 points if you are presenting to a large room Use a font size of at least 20 points if you are presenting to a large room Standard is for bullets, 44 for title Standard is for bullets, 44 for title
5 PPT Guideline 2: Font (cont’d) Use a few colors consistently in presentation Use a few colors consistently in presentation Use a high-contrast color for text Use a high-contrast color for text Combine text or other visual elements with color; some people are color blind Combine text or other visual elements with color; some people are color blind Use light backgrounds with dark text when using projection equipment Use light backgrounds with dark text when using projection equipment
6 PPT Guideline 3: Text Use key points only, with no more than 6 bullets per slide Use key points only, with no more than 6 bullets per slide Be consistent in points (nouns, verbs, etc.) Be consistent in points (nouns, verbs, etc.) Use the notes feature to expand on points Use the notes feature to expand on points Use subheadings to organize topics Use subheadings to organize topics Spell check your presentation (F7) and have someone proofread it for you Spell check your presentation (F7) and have someone proofread it for you Balance the use of text and white space Balance the use of text and white space
7 PPT Guideline 3: Text (cont’d) Layout Use consistent layout for all slides; can create a master slide before starting Use consistent layout for all slides; can create a master slide before starting Use template to make task easier Use template to make task easier Make sure template does not compete with text Make sure template does not compete with textAnimation Use animation and transitions sparingly and consistently; can distract audience from message Use animation and transitions sparingly and consistently; can distract audience from message Turn off sound effects on any animations you choose to use Turn off sound effects on any animations you choose to use
8 PPT Guideline 4: Graphics Use graphics sparingly (photographs, graphic designs and clip art) Use graphics sparingly (photographs, graphic designs and clip art) Avoid graphics becoming distracting Avoid graphics becoming distracting Use photos large enough to show details of image Use photos large enough to show details of image Use one graphic per slide Use one graphic per slide
9 Wrap-Up: Power in your Points! Narration Narration You’re in charge! Don’t be a slave to slides You’re in charge! Don’t be a slave to slides Fonts Fonts Words are easy to read with consistent style Words are easy to read with consistent style Text Text Key points are bulleted, consistent, balanced, correct, and not distracting Key points are bulleted, consistent, balanced, correct, and not distracting Graphics Graphics Any pictures are simple, sparse, and visible Any pictures are simple, sparse, and visible